The NH is not designed to replace your power conditioner; it is designed to work with it. You should still run a good power conditioner with surge protection; most conditioners are rated at around 20 dB of noise reduction. The NH will give you another 6 dB on top of that. You can even add more harvesters around the house and increase the noise reduction from 6dB. I have only tried one, but I am told if one is good two is better. The Idea is that it doesn’t just remove the noise but destroys it.
A power conditioner removes the noise for those components that are connected to it. Wouldn’t it be nice to kill the noise at its source? Well that the point of the Harvester, kill the nose before it gets to your system. Plug one in next to you refrigerator, your bed room TV, light dimmer, power conditioner, ETC. Any device in your home that is or could be adding nose onto your power line that can affect your system. Stop the noise before it gets to your power conditioner and your power conditioner become more efficient.
All of your audio components add there own noise back onto the line, a good power conditioner should help to isolate these components from each other and limit there interaction. But plugging a NH into the back of your power line conditioner can kill the noise before it can get from your amp to the pre-amp. My P1000 power regenerator does a good job regenerating power for my system, but even it adds noise back on to the power line.
Are you starting to see the possibilities?
I would say it does work, I can hear a difference.
The difference was very noticeable with my Monstercable HTPS-7000, and that had isolated transformers for the digital and analog sources. I do notice some improvement in audio and video using the NH with my PS Audio P1000 power plant, but not as much as with a filtered power conditioner. The power plant does such a good job regenerating power the NH improvements are not as grate but are there.
I am not going to sit here and try and sell you on this neat little device, I am not a dealer or an employee of PS Audio, I am just a hobbyist. If your interested in the Noise harvester, I say pick one up and try it for your self. I like mine enough that I am thinking about picking up a five pack.