Room acoustics visualized

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Jan 16, 2005
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ATL Area, GA
I'm always looking for articles with good illustrations or animations that show how sound behaves in an enclosed space.

The following is not directly about audio systems, but since we all go to restaurants and have heard the acoustic problems with many of them, this article from the Washington Post regarding the fundamentals and how they are addressed would be of interest, as it has excellent visualizations. All rooms share common acoustical properties depending on surface materials, so much of this translates into our listening/living spaces.
Link is a direct one to the article, no paywall:

Let's use this thread to post other well illustrated articles that are more directly relevant to our hobby.

Does anyone else have some good links?
This is the best Acoustics demonstration series I know of. It has lots of practical demonstrations with some of the most valuable being the video showing differences between using delay vs level vs physical location (I don't recall which video it is, but it explains why my right speaker is 4-1/2" farther from the front wall) in order to center the phantom image.

edit: I should also point out that prior to me pulling the right speaker away from the wall more than the left, I had tried using Levels and got weird and inconsistent behavior depending on the music track, and also tried delay with less than pleasing results.

Having the speakers be asymmetrical is the only way that I got rock solid image centering, and also got much better and consistent results using Dirac room correction. When I used Levels to center the image, I got some phasing weirdness with/without Dirac.

Physically moving the speaker was the correct solution. I did the same with my JBL L110 speakers in my also asymmetrical room waaaay back in the 1980's, and that was way before I knew anything about this stuff, it just sounded better.
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