all of you know my love for ML sound...
Hola chicos. All of you know how crazy I am regarding ML sound. You do know that I still have a pair of Prodigies and my CLS IIz. I do love both, but the new Summits are awakesome. The Summits are more dynamic, and produce bigger scenario than my Prodigies. The new panels are better in dispersion and timbre. To my ears also, they are more fun to use. The bass are just right...they are the dream of any audiophile, because you can tune any room and take away the bad low frequency resonance, and besides of that, you have truly 800 watts just for bass only. They are a totally different product and to my ears, are the best sound for the money that I had ever heard. Understand this, I'm not saying that the Prodigy is a bad sirs, still is one of the best around, but the Summits are far better. Why? IMHO you can use to drive the Summits with a better small sounding amplifier than the one that I need to drive the Prodigy. We all know, and I don't know why is this, the smaller amplfiers are better, warmer, right with the size and more transparent than bigger amps. To drive the Prodigy you need a big amp, the small amp will not ...also it is true that there are just a few amps that have big power and sounds right, but you have to search a lot and pay some good money for them. Some of you could desagree with me, and it is ok, it is my perception and my liking. Some of you also might think that becasue I am a dealer of ML, I have to push the new stuff. Well, this is not the case, if I don't like a product, I don't sell it...and will tell the manufacture to do something regarding it...
The Summits are not perfect, still we could ask for more...but are the top of the line of ML and a new industry standard setting for new specifications. Their sensitivity is one of the most important feature. I like them better than my Prodigies, they sound bigger, more precise, the inner detail is more revealling and microdynamics are better, overall, a better product. Happy listening,
Pura vida,