Spike, that particular advantage has already crossed my mind.
Thanks to everyone who has provided possibilities! As a practical matter, I'll probably be limited to 3 or 4 models I can get my hands on at the same time for side-by-side comparison, but, as someone has already said, there probably aren't any
bad choices at this price. I'll keep you posted!
Hi Ken,
Just a few general observations.
First, enjoy the journey.
Second. As others have stated, it's all about system synergy and your ears and your personal preferences.
Third. I respectfully question having numerous preamps in your room at the same time and, if this is what you have in mind, listening to Preamp A, and then switching to B and C in the same listening session. As I'm sure you know, electronics need to warm up and settle in before they start performing at their optimum. If you choose to follow this path, you run the risk of hearing a preamp that may sound better but, once warmed up, may sound different. That difference may be more or less to your liking in the long term. In a way, this method is somewhat similar to the infamous blind " A - B" test espoused by some individuals.
And yes, please make sure that the preamps are "burned in".
My suggestion is to listen to one preamp for one week. Play lots of different music so you can ascertain the sonic signature of that unit. Then switch to next preamp and repeat the process with the same material. After the analysis, choose the preamp that connects you "emotionally" to the music. Some may argue that one's auditory memory is not capable of remembering the sound of Unit A versus Unit B. I respectfully disagree.
A case in point from personal experience. I auditioned a VTL tube amp for one week. One night, depending on the material, I said to myself that I really liked the amp. On another night, I was not happy with the sound. I ended up sending the VTL back, auditioned the Pass Labs 250.5 and have never looked back.
On the assumption that your system is articulate and transparent enough to reveal all the sonic nuances with any given change, the process I've suggested above should serve you well.
Good luck and enjoy,