[Not necessarily true, IMO, as each manufacturer has their own sound based on what the designer was looking for. Reviewers and users all have their opinions on revealing and accurate. That is why we have so many different companies and models to choose from.] (From another
My point exactly....if 2 speakers are supposed to be extremely
accurate and true to the recording, then they should sound similar.
That's why i said each speaker imposes it's own electronic signature.
Manufacturers tune their speakers to meet what they feel is accurate
and musical. Some speakers sound great with classical music, but
not so great with rock recordings. Myself, i like a speaker that is
faithful to all genres. I don't want some patronizing salesman
treating me like i'm ignorant.
So, this whole "polishing the turd" chat is about the speaker.
I really want to like my Spires and i hope they continue to break in
and eliminate the now faint harshness. Don't get me wrong...on
a lot of music they sound great, phenominal even. They are just
up against stiff competition against the Montana EPS2s. Right now,
the Montanas are the more satisfying, but i feel the Spires may
continue to blossom(and maybe i need to experiment with
amplification). Right now i'm happy to have 2 speakers to audition,
but my pocketbook wants a winner to emerge. Keep in mind
i have owned 2 different PBN Montana speakers over 11 years.
I've auditioned numerous speakers (and bought) trying to find
the ultimate speaker, but i always seem to gravitate back to the
Montanas. Again, it's a personal decision but i have high
hopes for the Spires. I'll let you know...right now i like having
both pairs. If you're interested in reviews on the EPS2s, here
are a couple of links.
http://www.montanaloudspeakers.com/files/Montana EPS2.pdf