Yeah, count me in the camp that has the Panasonic TC-P50 VT25 which I use in the upstairs HT, black levels are still killer and the 3D images are without peer and I tested side by side with all the major brands. The Panasonic plasma is the clear 3D winner right now. The 2D PQ has been consistently rated as the best by a significant margin as well.
The new Sony VW90 ES may change all that, but then we would be talking projectors.
Not saying that the Panasonic won't go gray someday, but I guess I am unwilling to watch the other brands in 3D because of ghosting and other artifacts. This may or may not be important to the OP.
I also have a 60 inch LG Plasma that is very nice for 2D and one of the advantages that Plasma has over LCD and LED is with fast action subject movement like sports and action movies.
I also have about 2 dozen LCDs and they are fine for casual viewing and viewing in bright rooms where glare would be problem.
Myself and most of the guys I hang with have either Plasmas or Projectors in thier HTs, but then glare is not an issue in a HT, so as has been said before, it really depends on what, where, how, and when you are viewing to make a determination of what is best for you.
One thing for sure, make sure you check out 3D while you are at it. If for no other reason, the new 3D cameras make 3D worth it by themselves. 2D is okay, kind of like stereo, but 3D is an experience all by itself. I no longer take any 2D picutres or videos, 3D is just that good