Hola Robert, did you have a chance to listen the Spires? Your ears can tell how great this speaker is...it is just a preparation for your new goal: The CLXs. I am also a Magnepan lover, but I keep listenig all the benefits that I get from ML, and I read you too, Robert. Your comments and advices here are toward ML great sound and we love the Company Service Dept... please, do not get me wrong here, several ML lovers are (I was) also are Magnepan users... and this is, becasue we are used to a non boxie sound. But the region that matters is the most critical point, this is the crossover high frequency cut region. Becasue ML does not use any crossover point over 500Hz (there are no phase problems at this frequency cut), the coherence and transparency from the new micro perf stat panel is the solution for this matter. Also, another sound benefit is the curvilinear the 30° room dispersion.
You might find a good deal for the Spires, or the Ethos, or Vantages, models that I do recommend a lot for the great, precise, and big sound!. About the amplifiers, the Sanders amps have tons of power with CMOS FET at the output, and their sound is like tubes...the behavior of the C MOS FET semiconductor is like a tube, and it is a device, like bipolar transistors, that can drive direct the load, without any transformer for impedance matching. Mr. Sanders did his homework designing this fantastic amplifier, but also, the Pass is a such wonderful design and it is a high quality watts sounding amp. Your recommendation as always, is: listen to both, and choose the one that you liked most. Roberto, please forgive my dare!...I was just thinking loud... happy listening!