They are only good to a point, whereupon they run out of steam, but you're talking above 95DB which is louder than I listen. You should have come round when I had the Parasound A21. Or Jim's Rowland 301s. The dynamics with the Parasound, actually less powerful than the Rowlands, was just astonishing. And that's the problem - it is just too much - you can't really cope with it long term. Well I couldn't, anyway.
The 211s are just more natural sounding. Less forced. Nominally the amps are only 80 Watts, but can peak at twice that. Duettas are one of the easier Apogees to drive.
EDIT: The older lead lined Wilsons with high power SS input can manage extraordinary bass at very high SPLs without subs. I couldn't believe it when I cranked up Jim's old ones. Way beyond what a Duetta can manage.