Other speaker/component specific online clubs/forums?

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
Just wondering, besides ourselves, what other component or speaker lines have dedicated forums like we do?? I know Polk sponsors a forum on their own website, and there are a growing number of "boutique" speaker and component makers with their own sub-sections on Audiocircle.
Carver owners have a pretty decent forum, and there are several members of this forum (me included) who are also members over there.

Carver folk tend to be every bit as enthusiastic about that brand as Martin Logan owners are. The advantage to being a Carver fan is that you can colllect a LOT of gear and not have to do much explaining for it. I know folks on that forum who have dozens of components--imagine trying to find the space for 5 or 6 pairs of ML speakers... :p

I have no idea other than Carver and here, but if I had to guess....

McIntosh, Magnepan, Linn (LP12), and Quad would be my guesses ;)
Hmm, well I was pretty much wrong, there are some sub-forums for those companies but it's not as organized as what we have going :)

I did find "The Magnepan Users Group" or "MUG". They have us in thier links section! Maybe we can return the favor, I think us "planer" people should stick together :)

There are also Apogee and Soundlab users groups.

MUG : http://www.integracoustics.com/MUG/MUG/

Apogee: http://audioworld.com/cgi-bin/sw/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=1

SLOG (Sound Lab Owners): http://www.soundlabowners.com/ <- They don't have a link to our site like MOG does.... I guess Sound Lab is for snooty people ;)
Can't believe I forgot about the Apogee Users Group, as I previously owned the Stage! I scanned their forum, and was excited to read that a pair of the new Apogee Classic will be at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest this year! Although it's size and price are out of my range, I can't wait to hear it!
The Apogee folks are every bit as rabid as we about their chosen speakers. I sold my old pair of Divas through that forum in two days! Talk about value. I gave 3500 for my Divas used, used them 12 years and sold them for 2500 with worn out bass panels. The enthusiasm of that group led to a whole cottage industry of repairing and restoring preloved Apogees after the company folded. The guy who came up with replacement panels has now begun to reissue new Apogees loosely based on the old designs. If I could afford them I would buy them!
When I was soliciting donations for the National Get Together the folks at McIntosh were very intrigued about our site. They asked a lot of questions about who sponsors it, how long it's been around, how many memberts we had etc. After viewing our site they told me they are working on creating a site for Mac owners that they would sponsor. I don't have any idea of timeframe.

BTW, our newest member is "mcintosh", located in New York - but 0 posts so far. I wonder if there is any association and if they are monitoring the site for ideas. If so I bet Tom would provide a link to their site eventually.

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I think the concept of online "User Groups" is the wave of the future, serving both a support and (viral) marketing function. Witness the explosive growth/success of Slimdevices (manufacturer of the Squeezebox and Transporter), where Sean Adams, the founder, envisioned a worldwide user/developer community from day one. Likewise, Mark Schifter of AV123 has been equally saavy. Such communication is priceless. Of course, you gotta have a good product with compelling value. I expect we'll see increasing numbers of such user groups for a widening range of retail products.
are there any Audio Research forums?
There are several at Audio Circle, for instance ACI, Bent Audio, Bryston, CI Audio, Modwright, Nuforce, VMPS.

There is the Outlaw Saloon.

The UK based AVForums have manufacturer specific Arcam, Denon, Pioneer, Sony, Toshiba, TAG McLaren fora.

PS Audio host their own forum and have another on the Asylum, too.

Audiokarma have fora for Infinity, Klipsch, McIntosh, Marantz, Pioneer.

And lets not forget the Slim Devices fora either.

There must be dozens more.
McIntosh Forum

AudioKarma.org has a good McIntosh forum which is quite interesting.