Okay boys and girls, I'm getting my Sequels this weekend!

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Here's a photo of one of the main boards after I pulled it out. I dusted the boards off with an old chip brush, and they cleaned up a treat. I noticed that the dynamic stage has it's crossover down in the enclosure, and the leads are simply plugged into the back of the speaker jacks. I'm assuming that I can add a second pair of jacks so I could bi-amp them?


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This was the Sequel, not the Sequel II right? The only reason I ask, is your boards look different than mine and I have the II's

DTB300 said:
This was the Sequel, not the Sequel II right? The only reason I ask, is your boards look different than mine and I have the II's

You are correct. Mine are the earlier version.
I found last night that wiping the paint down with solvent seemed to help reduce the stickiness, so for now I'll clean them, put some 303 protectant on, and call it good for now. I will finish cleaning the boards, improve connections, and make sure they work okay. My friend did not replace both panels when he got the replacements. He just replaced the broken one. Knucklehead! :mad: Wouldn't logic dictate that both be replaced at the same time? The previous panels had a lot of hours on them, so there would've been quite a mismatch in sound.
Last night I finished cleaning the boards, and I used Meguiar's Instant Detail to make the top of the housing look nice. Now they look brand new! The Meguiars formula is similar to 303 Protectant, non silicone, and is more readily available. I also dampened a rag with the same product and VERY carefully wiped down the stators as well. I found that a mixture of mineral spirits and a bit of lacquer thinner cleans the cabinets nicely, and reduces the stickiness of the paint. After an application of the Meguiars, the section I tried looks brand new. Long term I think I'll strip and refinish the cabinets. The side rails will definitely be refinished. Too 80's looking! I'm going to contact Martin Logan about the wrinkle in one of the replacement panels. The hairdryer solution I think will work, but I'd like their view on that.
Well, there's my latest update! I'm nearly there folks! :D
Last night I got one running! Both cabinets cleaned up nicely. I got the wrinkles out of the membrane with a heat gun. A hairdryer was of no use. I reassembled it, got it into the room, and powered up. No problems! I then fired up my system and compared the 'Logan to the infinity still hooked up on the right channel. Amazing the difference! On the left the wall disappeared, as I expected it would. However, and rather interesting, the Infinity's top end is nearly identical, being an electrostat as well, but the depth and definition just isn't there. And my trusty old Citation II is having no trouble whatsoever driving the Sequel, as I expected. Tonight I fix the cold solder joint on the other panel and hook it up! I'm really looking forward to that! :D
Congrats Tube60!!

Post pics too... I want to see how this revamped Sequel looks, especially after you said they look brand new. I wanna see the shine!

Joey :)
Joey_V said:
Congrats Tube60!!
Post pics too... I want to see how this revamped Sequel looks, especially after you said they look brand new. I wanna see the shine!
Joey :)
That'll cost you ten bucks for the honor. :eek: :D
Tonight after the other one is reassembled and installed, I'll do that!
That'll cost you ten bucks for the honor.
Tonight after the other one is reassembled and installed, I'll do that!

Hmmmm.... looks like someone has found an inventive way to finance his "audio junkie" habit..... ...wish I'd thought of that! :D
David Prall said:
That'll cost you ten bucks for the honor.
Tonight after the other one is reassembled and installed, I'll do that!

Hmmmm.... looks like someone has found an inventive way to finance his "audio junkie" habit..... ...wish I'd thought of that! :D
1. I'm Scottish 2. I don't like Top Ramen :D
Last night I finished cleaning up the other speaker, and the panel is dead. There's a lot of threads I can search on this subject, so I'll look around. But at least they're both back together and in my listening room! I contacted Jim Power about the wrinkles in the other panel, which I fixed with a heat gun (scared the heck out of me) but it works. However, new panels are the best thing to do, and they're reasonable, so I'll go that route, and continue trying to revive the dead panel as a temporary fix.
Tube60 said:
Last night I finished cleaning up the other speaker, and the panel is dead. There's a lot of threads I can search on this subject, so I'll look around. But at least they're both back together and in my listening room! I contacted Jim Power about the wrinkles in the other panel, which I fixed with a heat gun (scared the heck out of me) but it works. However, new panels are the best thing to do, and they're reasonable, so I'll go that route, and continue trying to revive the dead panel as a temporary fix.
Hola...check the blue wire panel solder joint...sometimes when you move around the panel, this wire is critical. Many times it is just a bad solder joint. Hope this can help, happy listening,
roberto said:
Hola...check the blue wire panel solder joint...sometimes when you move around the panel, this wire is critical. Many times it is just a bad solder joint. Hope this can help, happy listening,
That lead had a cold solder joint which I fixed. I checked for continuity, however I'll double check it and other things when I get home.
Saturday I got the other panel working. Turned out the stator lead I repaired came loose when I reinstalled the panel. D'oh! So now it's working fine, and here's a shot of everything hooked up. This is not the final position for the speakers, and I've got a lot of organizing of wires and cables. But it did afford me a good listening session, and it's wonderful!


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A sampling of music included:
Chemical Bros. Push the Button
William Orbit Gringacho Demento
Steely Dan Chain Lightning, True Companion
Rimsky-Korsakov Tsar Sultan suite
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Pleasure Dome
Duke Ellington Orchestra Sing Sing Sing , Ellington at Newport (LP)
Count Basie C Jam Blues (LP)
After both sessions over the weekend, I was exhausted! Not from the sound itself, per se, but from following all the detail in the songs that I'd never noticed before! :D
*bump!* ;)
My third night of listening provided me with the opportunity to tweak the system, with good results. The Sequels have also shown me improvements to make. Mainly in the preamp; there's a slight channel-to-channel mismatch which carried through from the other speakers. Solution will be a Goldpoint stepped attenuator and getting rid of the last carbon comp resistors remaining in the audio circuit. Longer term will be rebuilding the tone control circuits; the modular boards ("buckboards" as they were called) will be replaced with discrete components.
So far I'm really pleased! So much more detail, both obvious and subtle it's amazing!