There are plenty of great rock recordings, Kedar. The road doesn't end with Led Zep you know! No way a £5K system can do them full justice. Check out Rated R by Queens of the Stone Age and tell me that isn't a great sounding album. There are many more.
I actually think hybrid Logans do rock well. You get that sort of wall of sound effect with biggish panels that you get with big speaker stacks at rock gigs - only on a smaller scale.
I also do not believe most "dynamic" speakers are any more dynamic than an Apogee full range ribbon speaker. For the most part, I think they are less dynamic. An Apogee can put out an incredibly powerful sound. As you remarked you wondered why they sounded so powerful when listening to some Black Uhuru.
The best rock you ever heard I'd wager was on the Silbatone horn system at Munich playing Whole Lotta Love. I haven't heard anything as good as that anywhere.
I personally think B&Ws sound soft and soggy. And I think that is down to the drive unit material. I really don't like them.
Steve's post number 30 - huge grain of truth in it I think