Super User
Dave, most commonly Spokane to Denver, but we do have a return load to help mitigate.
For what it's worth the seller is a sponsor of the area audio group here Besides going through Tampa you can spend a day listening to a number of systems from here on the ML site.
Joey... just my opinion ... I think this looks promising??? I saw the $$ 24.9 .... they estimate 1200 shipping... I think that seems really high for shipping??? Maybe I am wrong... but, I think that is too much for shipping... Is this guy a retailer - just selling used gear? I like buying from retailers if possible... I am assuming you have asked about dings/nicks... shape... etc... only 2 years old? Could you deal with maybe the full price - they pay shipping & insurance? If he is in fact a real retailer - if you still do not like the price - I am not sure where you are at with cables etc... but maybe there is something you could do there to get to your happy place.... to me - on a purchase this large ... a 1 grand diff in the end is worth buying from a retailer vs just some guy off the street.... So - take that into consideration .. any 90 day guarantee or anything. and remember... this ISN"T AN INVESTMENT!!! This is for your enjoyment.. at the end of the day... if you want to resell -- what is the difference really?
Based on personal recent experiences, it sounds about right.
PS: Joey, if you go for this, make sure the seller is the shipper and use your Pay Pal account if possible. No insurance on this type of freight. Seller assumes all liability if a claim is necessary.
Also, get dimensions and weight. Call YRC for a quote to verify ship costs.
So rent a pickup or uhaul......road trip! That way you don't have to worry about shipping damage, claims, etc.
Hi Joey,
Stop beating yourself up. Like most events in life, things will happen when they are meant to.
My suggestions are meant to protect you, to the maximum extent possible, against any damage that may occur during the shipping process.
Regarding insurance against damage, my recent freight shipping experiences indicates that insurance is not available. Perhaps I'm wrong.
Good luck my friend.
I think he just raised the asking price by 2 to 3K.
Guess you got your answer. Bummer.
Nah, that's for brand new. He and I are talking about brand new for 29. He won't divulge much or the source.
I have a depo on a pair of diamonds as we speak. Put down 3600 to hold the pair because of a sale. Not sure which way I want to go as both are good. Leaning strads but still have a soft spot for the diamonds.
Bob. I am looking at your rig. You replaced your prodigys! With Wilson's. talk about em. Joey was looking at Wilson's At one point too..
Hi Timm,
I just enjoy the ease and flow of the music from these speakers and anyone that says they don't do a beautiful midrange does not have the right equipment feeding them in my opinion
The stage is large and deep and the music top to bottom for me and other audio nuts that have been here is very even. Never was a big fan of box speaker tweeters until I heard these.
Best Regards,
Hi Timm,
Hopefully I'm butting in on Joey's thread.
As luck would have it I stopped into my audio dealers shop one Saturday as I have known him since I bought my first Sequels and subsequent ML's from him. I had always liked the Sasha's when I was down there and he happened to have the Maxx's for sale on consignment from a gentleman he had sold them too and was downsizing due to retirement and buying a condo( wish I had the money to buy the whole Wilson surround system with the original Levinson gear).
I just enjoy the ease and flow of the music from these speakers and anyone that says they don't do a beautiful midrange does not have the right equipment feeding them in my opinion
The stage is large and deep and the music top to bottom for me and other audio nuts that have been here is very even. Never was a big fan of box speaker tweeters until I heard these.
When my wife went back with me that evening she looked at me and said it's a no brainer if I don't buy these as she just loved what they did as well. The Prodigy's are still here in the nook of my audio room as I don't need to sell them.
Hope this answers some questions and I am always willing to talk audio. There is a misprint on the arm of the TT as it is the JMW Memorial arm.
Best Regards,