Obama should say I am sorry for being a liar the last 3 years about your Healthcare.

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
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This man is a joke and thinks that the American people are all stupid. It has been proven that the administration knew 3 years ago people would lose their healthcare plans. The only reason he's sorry is because he was caught. I guess we cannot decide for ourselves what we need anymore. I am sure glad they can do it for me, since their doing such a great job. I really love paying for their mistakes.
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I have never been a fan of Obama's political views. I do believe that he knew three years ago that this was going to happen. How long can people continue to listen to this man lie to their faces.
But remember what our former Speaker (Nancy Pelosi) said....... "We have to pass it, in order to find out what's in it". Upon hearing that a buddy of mine, who happens to be a physician, called into a local talk radio station and said "that's the definition of a stool sample" ..........that pretty much sums up 'Obamacare' !!
This man is a joke and thinks that the American people are all stupid. It has been proven that the administration knew 3 years ago people would lose their healthcare plans. The only reason he's sorry is because he was caught. I guess we cannot decide for ourselves what we need anymore. I am sure glad they can do it for me, since their doing such a great job. I really love paying for their mistakes.

Please, spare me your righteous indignation. This man is not a joke. The republicans are the joke. Only it's not funny. "Read My Lips - No More Taxes" "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" Remember those lies? Obama mistakenly thought people would not lose their plans and is taking steps to address this problem. Even insurance professionals are saying that the policies that don't meet the minimum standards aren't worth the paper they're printed on, yet these are the policy holders who lost their plans.

Regarding "lies" of presidents. Do you honestly think that any president, both Bush's or Obama really had 100% of the information before they made these statements? Don't you think they rely on input from their advisors? No president can know all the facts and details of everything that is presented to them to act upon. They act on what they believe in and mistakes are sometimes made. What is important is to correct the mistakes.
I'm very guarded when it comes to accusing people of being liars or racists. There are some that will throw those words around way to loosely. But when the president issued the following statement while campaigning in VA recently, “Now, if you had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.” I'm sorry, that is not what you are on record as having said over 20 times. There is no recording out there, that I'm aware, of him making that statement while originally selling the law. Yes, at this point, I call him a liar. If he can lie about that, I have to question all the statements concerning scandals where he said, "I didn't know". He's lost credibility.
Please, spare me your righteous indignation. This man is not a joke. The republicans are the joke. Only it's not funny. "Read My Lips - No More Taxes" "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" Remember those lies? Obama mistakenly thought people would not lose their plans and is taking steps to address this problem. Even insurance professionals are saying that the policies that don't meet the minimum standards aren't worth the paper they're printed on, yet these are the policy holders who lost their plans.

Regarding "lies" of presidents. Do you honestly think that any president, both Bush's or Obama really had 100% of the information before they made these statements? Don't you think they rely on input from their advisors? No president can know all the facts and details of everything that is presented to them to act upon. They act on what they believe in and mistakes are sometimes made. What is important is to correct the mistakes.

I would not tell you that you are totally wrong Steve, however, you are not totally correct. Some of the plans being canceled are not only far from being "not worth the paper they are printed on", but are even by most standards, very good plans. http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/heal...rance-Canceled-Under-Obamacare-230856241.html

Regarding presidents and lies, I think there are broken promises, there are misstatements, and then there are flat out lies. Obama said if you like your plan, you can keep it, 'period'. But at the time he was telling this, there were already memos floating around in the administration that admitted that this wasn't true, but they were trying to keep the message simple . We can't confuse people with the facts! Whether or not the president knew this or not, I'm not sure, that is why I never called him a liar until his statement in VA which by all accounts was not accurate at all. But even giving him a break and saying that only his aides knew they were sending him out to fib to the American people, is this still not a major problem? His name is attached to this law, Obamacare. They sent him out and had to know at some point it would not look good when the truth came out. If I were the president, heads would roll. But this is a common theme with this president, "I didn't know"-- Fast and furious, Benghazi, targeting of reporters, phone tapping of country leaders, website woes, policies being canceled, and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. The president not only pleads ignorance to knowing about these things, but he even states that he learned of them in same manner in which I first knew of them, through the news. This might cut it for a community organizer, but for the leader of the United States, I must agree with Horchem- he's become a joke.
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Regardless of all his flaws and imperfections, he was handed a POS economy and two wars. Thank you George, Dick, Carl, and Donald.

And IMHO and despite all those who have hated him from day one (racists and otherwise) and wished for him to fail (including Republicans that did everything they could to ensure his demise), I think he has done a very respectful, commendable job.


PS: Normally I don't deflect the OP's main point, but talk about lies (if indeed that's what's occurred), let's talk about the consequences of the IRAQ War (cost, negative impact on our economy, deficits, loss of human life, etc.) and the premise for starting that debacle.
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Regardless of all his flaws and imperfections, he was handed a POS economy and two wars. Thank you George, Dick, Carl, and Donald.

And IMHO and despite all those who have hated him from day one (racists and otherwise) and wished for him to fail (including Republicans that did everything they could to ensure his demise), I think he has done a very respectful, commendable job.


PS: Normally I don't deflect the OP's main point, but talk about lies (if indeed that's what's occurred), let's talk about the consequences of the IRAQ War (cost, negative impact on our economy, deficits, loss of human life, etc.) and the premise for starting that debacle.

When are people going to stop blaming the previous administration and hold this one accountable? Why can nothing be said about this man without it being Bush's fault or racism is brought up. The healthcare debacle is very simple. Obama either lied or he has absolutely no control over his administration. Records have shown that they new that as many as 8 million Americans would not be able to keep their current coverage or health plans. He has stated for the last three years that you will be able to keep your coverage and that the cost would go down. Both scenarios have been proven to be lies.
When all else fails, point fingers at the person who hasn't been president over the past 5 years and whip out the race card. It's a whole lot easier than making an honest attempt at defending this president.
Maybe we should see other people

If the United States were a typical marriage, and both parties disagreed so completely and so often, most would recommend a divorce.

In Canada, we have Quebec. Quebec doesn't really like being a part of Canada, and a large portion of the province would separate from Canada if they could. In the 90's, they held a referendum in which 49.42% of Quebec residents voted to secede from Canada. Just a handful more YES votes and it would have happened. Just saying that it can happen if you really can't stand each other. :(
Horch and Kevin,

I certainly respect your positions on this issue.

Suffice to say we don't share the same perspective.

Will be interesting how history will judge the social / health impacts of the ACA five / ten years down the road.


PS: I thought he did apologize.
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I'm very guarded when it comes to accusing people of being liars or racists. There are some that will throw those words around way to loosely. But when the president issued the following statement while campaigning in VA recently, “Now, if you had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.” I'm sorry, that is not what you are on record as having said over 20 times. There is no recording out there, that I'm aware, of him making that statement while originally selling the law. Yes, at this point, I call him a liar. If he can lie about that, I have to question all the statements concerning scandals where he said, "I didn't know". He's lost credibility.

How very, very ironic --almost laughable. Remember the vaunted President Reagan? He of, "Senator, I have no recollection" fame?

Now, before anyone gets too far bent out of shape about all this, I think President Obama's comments, in light of current events, are certainly unfortunate. But before we get the lynch party assembled, let's pause a beat or two to see how this gets reconciled. I rather imagine President Obama is working furiously behind the scenes to get this resolved.


Well, here's how this works: If y'all gonna dis our guy, then your guy(s) are fair game. Remember, "this all started when he hit me back!" :devil:

So I read today that the House of Representatives has decided to not take up any immigration reform legislation in 2014 because they are doing "other things". :confused:

Are we the only Country in the world where the various political parties desire and celebrate failure?

All those Republicans who hate Obama and the ACA are now complaining about the difficulty people are having trying to sign up for the ACA.

What flagrant, political hypocrisy.

Who's being stupid now?

Not sure if anyone who has lost their health care plan at work is celebrating..... Now the collective idiots that run our country well that's another story.

This prospect of companies dropping their insurance has always been the issue for anyone against this act. It has nothing to do with getting people healthcare that don't have it. I really don't think anyone wants others to go without. The issue is the possible impact on 90% for the 10%.

Here is another thought. Most people that can not afford health care will purchase high deductible plans because it is cheaper. They still won't go to the doctor because of the deductible. Also, low income individuals have a tendency to have unhealthier habits. Does a healthcare policy make them healthier?

So given that my thoughts are was this the real intent of the act - to help poor individuals ('the folks'). If i owned a company i would pass any additional costs if i could to the consumer of my product or the employees of the company. Sounds harsh but these are capitalistic companies whose goal is to please stockholders. What everyone in our area is doing is choosing their high deductible plan because our premiums sky rocketed. I think this will be common for many. What this does is gets the consumer talking about price with doctors. I think a good thing. However, in the long run I think that larger deductibles for all where now the individual is taking on more of the burden will end up decreasing the health of many. Why? Money. People don't really want to pay for that test out of pocket that could find an issue. They also don't want to really believe they are sick. The large deductible (to make it affordable) helps with their rationalizations.

I guess I just feel that the future in health care is for the employee to more or less take on more of the burden....take on more of the risk by picking plans that either have higher deductibles or have decreased benefits. I think we were heading there but I think this gave it one big kick in that direction. In the end the large companies will be laughing loudest. They always do by playing these class warfare games. They won't play fair and our politicians should know this and put the proper penalties in place to make it more expensive to not offer health insurance (taxation) vs offering it.
Has anyone considered that the system in the U.S. is a For Profit system? I think that one of the reasons for all the diffficulty (e.g. higher premiums if everyone one is insured) is the large profit margin the insurance providers glean off the top, as well as the large profit margin that hospitals attempt to make. Inclusive healthcare only works if it is placed outside the capitalist system (I believe capitalism is great, by the way). For example, 30-45 % of all insurance premiums don't pay for a single facett of your healthcare; it goes to paying employees at the insurance provider, Management, infrastructure cost, legal representation, finally, shareholders (you and me). Hospitals are largely the same, although the infrastructure and staff costs are ofcourse neccessary.

In a nutshell, and just for the sake of argument, if you elliminated just the insurance providers from the equation and used some of the redundant government staff to manage premiums and care, you could all cut your premiums by the corresponding amount usually taken by the insurance providers. All that, and you could still have privately run (read: competitive) hospitals that assure fast, high quality care. To make one furthur teensy tiny adjustment, have the federal government limit its' involvement in healthcare to an overseers role; administering a basic outline for healthcare that has an inclusive set of rules insuring fairness for all, such as a healthcare bill of rights. Then, put the burden of administering the actual health care on the individual states, so that care can match demographics, tax revenue, etc... The deductible now paid by patients could be turned into a small ($20.00), waivable based on income, user fee to help cover off costs.

The perfect system. Maybe Obamacare is just the first of many small steps for man...
Has anyone considered that the system in the U.S. is a For Profit system? I think that one of the reasons for all the diffficulty (e.g. higher premiums if everyone one is insured) is the large profit margin the insurance providers glean off the top, as well as the large profit margin that hospitals attempt to make. Inclusive healthcare only works if it is placed outside the capitalist system (I believe capitalism is great, by the way). For example, 30-45 % of all insurance premiums don't pay for a single facett of your healthcare; it goes to paying employees at the insurance provider, Management, infrastructure cost, legal representation, finally, shareholders (you and me). Hospitals are largely the same, although the infrastructure and staff costs are ofcourse neccessary.

In a nutshell, and just for the sake of argument, if you elliminated just the insurance providers from the equation and used some of the redundant government staff to manage premiums and care, you could all cut your premiums by the corresponding amount usually taken by the insurance providers. All that, and you could still have privately run (read: competitive) hospitals that assure fast, high quality care. To make one furthur teensy tiny adjustment, have the federal government limit its' involvement in healthcare to an overseers role; administering a basic outline for healthcare that has an inclusive set of rules insuring fairness for all, such as a healthcare bill of rights. Then, put the burden of administering the actual health care on the individual states, so that care can match demographics, tax revenue, etc... The deductible now paid by patients could be turned into a small ($20.00), waivable based on income, user fee to help cover off costs.

The perfect system. Maybe Obamacare is just the first of many small steps for man...

Here is the problem politicos face. The largest employer here is the health care industry. Take out profit = big job loss = depression = u don't get elected. Also there is this concept that profits drive r&d which create cures for diseased and improve people's lives globally - even in Canada!!
Big Pharma spends more on advertising than it does on R & D. The most important R & D advances come from medical centers and universities which have been seriously set back by cuts to the NIH budget. Once again, priorities have been skewed and the public interest screwed.
Big Pharma spends more on advertising than it does on R & D. The most important R & D advances come from medical centers and universities which have been seriously set back by cuts to the NIH budget. Once again, priorities have been skewed and the public interest screwed.

Regardless of their ad budget the amount they spend on r&d is notable. Secondly my guess is that a lot of universities and non profits work off of government grants which is our tax dollars right? So I guess my question is if u dump big pharma do you think we should replace their r&d with more grants or more taxes to cover them?

Unfortunately money drives the machine and it will get paid thru private companies looking for a profit or thru your increased taxes trying to support it.