at last - a topic i know a little about (doesn't happen often)
i've been running squeezebox since it was wired and version 1 - and have only got as far as upgrading to sb2 before i started ripping it apart to make my own "improvements" (subjective of course)
i have an email i sent in april 2004 suggesting an audiophile squeezebox (and something that didn't look like a clock radio

) - and was told to watch this space as they had something exciting in the pipeline - now either they owe me royalties for the idea

or its been a long and painful development process.
i run 4 sb2's throughout the house and a couple of softsqueezebox's in the office, and around 12-18 months ago i started trying to build something a little more "hi-fi" out of it. mostly easy stuff - recasing to 19" mount, some decent feet, rebuilding the power supply to something a bit better, and obviously feeding the output into my dac.
All my musc is flac encoded, and i've got just over 1Tb available (i do own the originals of these)
subjective performance results
CD - benchmark 100%
sb1 - 50%
sb2 (standard) -60%
sb2 (tweaked) -65%
sb2 (external dacs) - 85%
I've compared the tweaked squeezebox with the standards, and i reckon its about 5% better, of course using the external dacs is a whole new board game (and is unfair comparison) but i think this gets me pretty close to the sound out of my CD.
I don't see anything in the specs of the transporter that tells me why this figure will get any higher (possibly disabling wireless would be useful to improve the quality - but not convinced)
the power of slimserver is in its opensource, and the ways that you can hack it around to do more of what you want and less of what you don't....if they charged me $2000 for slimserver and threw in a free transporter, maybe i'd feel better about it
I also don't see $2000 worth of kit in mods cost around $220, with the majority of that being on the custom front panel i had made up. I'd be really interested to see a review of the product, and kudos to slim for going all out on this one....but won't most audiophile's who run SB or consider a similar system be already running with external dacs?
just my thoughts