Hola amey01...the unit is not perfect, but it is playing music very nicely. It needs some time to break-in, or I am getting more used to it. The unit has seven different types of filtering. The one that I find myself listening more is called "Optimal Transient DD", but still amaze with the possibilities of changing digital filters for different recordings. Specially, old digital recordings are more evident of how good the unit is for them. Just listen DMP recording Trycycle, This recording was made on November 1982 and a Mitsubishi X-80 digital recorder was used. Now I can say, been sure, that the digital to analogue process is the one that it is so important mostly. Listening to the dynamic of the drummer with the well clear but not so deep 5 string electric Alembic Bass, and the piano notes are not too exaggerated on its size and the right stage. Before, with my old digital gear, (Sonic Frontiers SFD-2) I played the recording, but it lack the natural balance between instruments. Yes, I know, a very old gear, but the recording that is so old, it is playing very nice and well balanced. I did use a lot of digital gear, starting with Theta Digital, Levinson, PS Audio, and always ( with all respect ) felt that something was missing and always I was making a complaint regarding digital sound. I start to not listen carefully to digital sound since some time ago, until new DACs arise. About four years ago, when I apologize of what I heard about the new CLX at the CES in Las Vegas, what I said was a top secret at the Martin Logan Team, so I said that my comment was not true, I listened to a new DACs there. Boy, I got the bug again!!! Digital was better than ever!, but the DACs were very expensive, and right now are not!
http://schiit.com and 6moons review it:
http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/schiit2/1.html and also Jeff Dorey:
http://www.tonepublications.com/review/the-schiit-bifrost-dac/ The unit costs less than $ 500.00 and for what I am reading, it is that good! So, digital is coming strong and well done. Getting back to the M DAC, I am having a lot fun, and also I am finding myself tapping my foot, with the rhythm of the music. I had only this with analogue gear...not with digital. I though that I'll never was going to say this: On these days, digital is that good!!! Happy listening.