Mss hifi

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I hate to say it, but these kind of reactions further keep high end audio away from the younger generation. Especially with younger folks, sex sells. I am 29 and hardly any of my friends truly care about hifi. I have a Brother seven years younger and it is even worse. Give most of them an iPod dock and voila, there is their system. And obviously Brian's reaction will be clouded by the fact that MSS offers prices that make it next to impossible for traditional dealers to match.

I have helped about a dozen friends from college put together Paradigm/PSB based surround systems. However, if they were not exposed to my systems in college, most if not all would be rocking Bose at best.

Was the advertisement risque? Yes. But, I thought it to be tongue in cheek. However, if seeing scantily clad women will cause a youngish person to invest in quality sound, go for it. I am just scared that as the Baby Boomers retire and divest their audio holdings, the High End will cease to exist.
I hate to say it, but these kind of reactions further keep high end audio away from the younger generation. Especially with younger folks, sex sells. I am 29 and hardly any of my friends truly care about hifi. I have a Brother seven years younger and it is even worse. Give most of them an iPod dock and voila, there is their system. And obviously Brian's reaction will be clouded by the fact that MSS offers prices that make it next to impossible for traditional dealers to match.

I have helped about a dozen friends from college put together Paradigm/PSB based surround systems. However, if they were not exposed to my systems in college, most if not all would be rocking Bose at best.

Was the advertisement risque? Yes. But, I thought it to be tongue in cheek. However, if seeing scantily clad women will cause a youngish person to invest in quality sound, go for it. I am just scared that as the Baby Boomers retire and divest their audio holdings, the High End will cease to exist.

what are you talking about ? lololol

most people just want to hear the music period they are generally doing something better at the time to care how perfect it is. its only a few select people that get into the equipment and how "good the sound can be" especially at the prices we pay most of my friends in there late 20's and early 30's could never lay there hands on half the gear I have you dam near have to make as much as a doctor to get this stuff after paying for the everyday life stuff.
interesting that the two newest members, each with one post are defending this guy...


It seems my post on this forum has kicked up yet another heated discussion. As I said I joined this forum to, in some small way stick up for the business. I had a fortune cookie the other day after enjoying my sweet and sour chicken and the paper went something like "Without any critics it is unlikely that you will have any success" That is not verbatim but it's close (I was a little tipsy by the end of the meal)
It just reminded me of this discussion post so I felt I should log back in today to see what, if anything was being said.
As someone who spent years as a musician doing promotion both for himself, and others I have learned all of the tricks and can concur with tonepubs statement that a lot of people put out their own "troll posts" to drum up business.
I went to visit their shop yesterday and see what goodies they had that I could purchase. Johnny wasn't there so I got no chance to talk to him but the rest of the employees seemed to be on the ball, and very laid back.

Now I have an actual question. More of an opinion poll...
What is the best amp to drive the ascents with, or if I jump to the summit X's what does everyone recommend. My main listening style is acoustic recordings, and vocalists sometiems venturing into some hard blues...
Hi Thomas,

Welcome to our spirited club.

Sometimes, members say something that are well intentioned and it gets lost in translation. Then folks get upset and ......:mad:

From my experience and in most cases, this forum functions quite well due to the integrity and sensitivity of its members. People really try to be respectful and non-condescending and it generally gets discussed and resolved. Those are "the rules" that the big guy has established and he's been known to kick ass from time to time. So please hang in there.

On your other questions, you will find a myriad of opinions regarding what amp is best with what speaker, etc. Given your history as a music lover, I'm sure you know that auditioning anything in one's own room / system / preferred music / volume level, etc. is about the only way to be sure what works for you.

That would be aces with me, then people could get back to hi-fidelity, you know, like before the Baby Boomers. ;)

Regardless of the semantics or nomenclature, hifi, high end, high quality, Fabio grade, call it what you will, is in a bad spot amongst the younger set. With the iPodification of people's listening habits and the ways in which they procure music, you just do not seem to see that many college age people getting turned on to high quality sound.
With the iPodification of people's listening habits and the ways in which they procure music, you just do not seem to see that many college age people getting turned on to high quality sound.

No doubt of that. I have 4 kids in their 20s and 30s and when I recently liquidated 4 hi-fis I offered my kids any gear they wanted none had any interest. Big speakers and small, tube and SS, LP or CD---no interest. They DID take a couple of flat panel TVs and a DVD player though. ;)

And they listen to music too, often, they just aren't interested in listening to it the way hi-fi fans do. Which come to think of it might be a good thing, know what I mean?
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You could adopt me,too,I am only 61 this summer,I would even consider saving you the travails of child-rearing-Grandpa!
I am just scared that as the Baby Boomers retire and divest their audio holdings, the High End will cease to exist.

1. Baby boomers will never be able to retire after paying exhorbitant prices for houses that are now worth 60% of what they paid, losing 40% on their retirement plans, and the coming monster inflation +tax increases this titanic "stimulus package" will cause.

2. For those that do, there will be no money left for anything else, so they might as well keep the stereo and listen to music.

3. Sex sell for us middle aged guys too. Maybe vicarious thrills, granted, but thrills none the less. We just have to make sure our wives don't see us buying.

4. I hope to live long enough to retire, but I won't be at all surprised if I don't.

These points could be taken as harumphing from a crusty old f-rt. Which might be true. But the 'net doesn't allow you see the impish twinkle in my eye as I write....:D
Ok, I bought one of my REL subs from MSS on Friday and it arrived today. It is perfect. This is my second transaction and MSS is batting 1000.


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1. Baby boomers will never be able to retire after paying exhorbitant prices for houses that are now worth 60% of what they paid, losing 40% on their retirement plans, and the coming monster inflation +tax increases this titanic "stimulus package" will cause.

2. For those that do, there will be no money left for anything else, so they might as well keep the stereo and listen to music.

3. Sex sell for us middle aged guys too. Maybe vicarious thrills, granted, but thrills none the less. We just have to make sure our wives don't see us buying.

4. I hope to live long enough to retire, but I won't be at all surprised if I don't.

These points could be taken as harumphing from a crusty old f-rt. Which might be true. But the 'net doesn't allow you see the impish twinkle in my eye as I write....:D

Those statements are apt and certainly not taken by me as crusty. Rather, my concerns lie with making the younger generation cognizant of just how amazing high resolution gear truly is and my concerns that it might not ever happen. The number of people I encounter in day to day life that honestly believe as long as you have Bose and Monster Cable you are there is honestly depressing. Definitely is a case study in just how well marketing/advertising works. I would hate to realize the percentage both companies allocate to that and litigation.
Those statements are apt and certainly not taken by me as crusty. Rather, my concerns lie with making the younger generation cognizant of just how amazing high resolution gear truly is and my concerns that it might not ever happen. The number of people I encounter in day to day life that honestly believe as long as you have Bose and Monster Cable you are there is honestly depressing. Definitely is a case study in just how well marketing/advertising works. I would hate to realize the percentage both companies allocate to that and litigation.
I'm going to take this one further and say that the people who have bose and monster wire and think they're there probably are very aware of genuine high end audio. Unfortunately, most of the "high End" industry make it very complicated to separate the wheat from the chaff, so the aformentioned folks just go that route as the simplest means to an end.
The number of people I encounter in day to day life that honestly believe as long as you have Bose and Monster Cable you are there is honestly depressing.

Depressing? What do you care what gear other people like, it's no skin off your nose.

This is like a walleye fisherman getting depressed because other people fish for bass. Or a guy who plays with model trains getting depressed because other guys play with model airplanes, "If they only played with Lionels they'd know how superior they are".
Depressing? What do you care what gear other people like, it's no skin off your nose.

This is like a walleye fisherman getting depressed because other people fish for bass. Or a guy who plays with model trains getting depressed because other guys play with model airplanes, "If they only played with Lionels they'd know how superior they are".

I hear that!

besides maybe at that moment in time those people have something that is more important to spend their money on that they feel the same way about.maybe its their kids or the house or a new car they have always wanted hi end sound is generally low on most peoples priority list.
I would think twice.

Has anyone ever purchased any equipment from this outfit? I see that they have a few used and new ML pieces, just wondered if they were reputable?


Depressing? What do you care what gear other people like, it's no skin off your nose.

This is like a walleye fisherman getting depressed because other people fish for bass. Or a guy who plays with model trains getting depressed because other guys play with model airplanes, "If they only played with Lionels they'd know how superior they are".

A Walleye analogy. Nice. While the whatever floats your boat, won't sink mine mantra can be useful, I completely disagree. The point to me is the long term implication of this apathy. If you fish for Bass and no one else does, that is frakking awesome. More Fish for you. When an a sizable contingent of an entire generation either does not care or does not know....
... When an a sizable contingent of an entire generation either does not care or does not know....

I'm confident that there are many within the Mp3 Generation who will, in time discover high resolution audio and grow to become audio aficionados like most of us.
I happened to get to my favorite audio dealer this morning just a bit after opening. There was this young dude there, a customer, talking to the part owner I've dealt with for over 20 years. The young dude was wearing a watch cap type toque, tight fitting shirt, straight leg jeans. You get the picture, a hip cool dude, at least that's the way his chosen dress was portraying him. He speaks softly and well, is asking about sound quality regarding Bryston amps, and asks for the sales gent to demo him his best gear. Out comes the Spires. Hmmm, this will be interesting. I start chatting with the young chap. He's actually very pleasant and polite, not at all a rapper type kid which I was expecting. Yes, I know, don't judge a book by it's cover... but we all tend to. He'd never heard of electrostatics before. I explain the basic workings while the owner is in the other room moving equipment around. The young dude is a musician, and pulls out a techno disc he brought along as a demo disc. Now this will be really interesting.

He sits in the sweet spot chair, up comes the Spires with Bryston 1000watt monoblocks, the Bryston pre and CDP. I listened to some of this type of music in university years, so I'm quite enjoying it. The kid slowly gets a big grin on his face. "I can hear so much detail" he says. Next he says "The bass is really tight, it just starts and immediately stops." The kid gets it!!!!! Yeah!! After talking with the owner he leaves. The first thing the owner says is "Isn't it great to have a young guy here interested in hi fi." He gets it too.

Maybe there is hope after all.

I spend a couple of hours there, a very pleasant morning, looked at some home theatre equipment, and left with a great deal on an Arcam T61 tuner. What kept the three of us together for a couple hours today was a shared love of music. Hopefully a desire for quality sound will follow.