Well-known member
Yeah, wow. So only mac users can do " creative, innovative, visionary work now." Cool. That's about the snobbiest post/statement I've read/heard in quite some time. Glad to see you have such a high opinion of yourself.
So, is staying inside listening to music ok, but staying inside playing a video game isn't? Howabout watching a movie? Can you make us a list, so we can know what is ok to do and what isn't. Sheesh. Last I heard it was "everything in moderation."
Believe me, if macs were better for business, they'd be used for business. They do well for graphic design, but in terms of general advanced business needs, they aren't quite there, in terms of application support (or hardware cost) Having the ability to load windows is a start though
If you had 200 "helpers" for 1000 pcs, there's something seriously wrong. I work in a company with hundreds of thousands of employees (who use pcs) and doubt if we have 200 "helpers" in our pc support department. We have a massive IT department...but they do a heck of a lot more than just tech support, as I imagine the IT people in your company did as well...and likely did more to support your mac use (from the backend) than you realize.
I used to fix computers in college, and got more calls for macs than I did pcs (based on percentage of users with each)...and their problems were always harder to fix, because it was almost always a "yeah, that doesn't work, there's no way to fix it...it isn't supported by apple yet" issue as opposed to pc issues, which were virtually always fixable.
The comment "I won't buy one, because of lack of support for..." is a main reason a lot of pc owners don't switch. His use just happens to be games, but there a number of other areas where pcs still have much greater software support. My personal reason is the overall flexibility and power pcs offer. I'm glad your mac works well for you. No need to bash PCs (or their users) just because they have a difference in preference. That's nothing but straight arrogance.
Just another point of view.
So, is staying inside listening to music ok, but staying inside playing a video game isn't? Howabout watching a movie? Can you make us a list, so we can know what is ok to do and what isn't. Sheesh. Last I heard it was "everything in moderation."
Believe me, if macs were better for business, they'd be used for business. They do well for graphic design, but in terms of general advanced business needs, they aren't quite there, in terms of application support (or hardware cost) Having the ability to load windows is a start though
I used to fix computers in college, and got more calls for macs than I did pcs (based on percentage of users with each)...and their problems were always harder to fix, because it was almost always a "yeah, that doesn't work, there's no way to fix it...it isn't supported by apple yet" issue as opposed to pc issues, which were virtually always fixable.
The comment "I won't buy one, because of lack of support for..." is a main reason a lot of pc owners don't switch. His use just happens to be games, but there a number of other areas where pcs still have much greater software support. My personal reason is the overall flexibility and power pcs offer. I'm glad your mac works well for you. No need to bash PCs (or their users) just because they have a difference in preference. That's nothing but straight arrogance.
Just another point of view.
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