More changes over the last year and retired

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Jeff Zaret

Well-known member
MLO Supporter
Jan 3, 2005
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Noblesville, Indiana
I have been retired now for a year and have moved to Indiana from California. I have made a few changes one significant and one nice improvement. Most everything is the same and now with limited budget I can mostly dream....;)

I think since my last "update post" awhile ago I have added a Mutec Ref-10 to the digital side along with the Mutec MC3+USB. This was a very nice improvement. These are "basically" re-clocking the digital side. Yes, there is an improvement in clarity/pacing and of course if it is a bad recording there is really not much which can be done other than reduce noise. :rolleyes:.
I have also upgraded my Roon setup from dual NUC computers to the Roon Nucleus. This box is basically built and designed by the folks at Roon to just run their software. It is a basically modified Linux software in a box. It has an internal 1 TB drive which I have not really used yet since I have a 21 TB of storage on my NAS for music and other vices.

I replaced the Anthem AVM-60 with a McIntosh MX100. I was going to upgrade the Anthem but they are still dragging their feet on Roon capability and for me that was the deal breaker. I was hoping for some improvement and I got it with the MX100! It is "somewhat" Roon capable and will handle mutli-channel streaming. BTW, this model is all XLR which is a nice benefit.

I have also changed my speaker cables and I know I may or may not get some flack of this. I was using Tara Labs cables which were just fine. I took a chance on a pair Duelund cables. They are based on I believe an old RCA design of the 1950's. They are basically tinned copper cotton in oil cables which give a great warmth and to me get closer to the original sound without being muddy. To me when I changed, it seemed to remove a vail over the sound presentation. Just my biased opinion. I believe I also found some hand made XLR's made from Duelund wire as well which seem to work well too.

As always enjoy your individual journey. Here is my latest pic and as always constantly tweaking a bit.


JZ_audio 6-18-24.jpg
Hi Jeff, and congrats on your retirement. I retired 18 months ago and loving it. You have a beautiful setup. I especially like the CLS's blond oak frames, and I'm wondering if their stands are custom made. Nice setup!
Charlie in Savannah, GA
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Congrats on the retirement, Jeff. And nice upgrades to the system, I bet it's sounding good.
G'day JZ, from down unda.

Beautiful set-up! The CLS caught my eye, love those stats, gorgeous. The last ones I had were the CLSIIZ's driven by VTL Ref350 monoblocks, with the CJ Art preamp. It was a fine combination. Many others came and went, and now nearly 25yrs later, I have the CLX Art's, driven with a full array of CJ tube gear, Absolutely outstanding!

BTW, noticed a Pass Labs amp... is that the XA30.8 by any chance? That's a fantastic match with ML stats. Once I've parked my tube monoblocks for a while, I'll most probably end up with the XA60.8's, marvellous amplifiers!

Good stuff matey, and enjoy those fine tunes! Woof!
Hi Jeff, and congrats on your retirement. I retired 18 months ago and loving it. You have a beautiful setup. I especially like the CLS's blond oak frames, and I'm wondering if their stands are custom made. Nice setup!
Charlie in Savannah, GA
The stands were made by a friend of mine in California. The "feet" are filled with sand. I am using Herbie's pucks for the spikes on the CLS.
G'day JZ, from down unda.

Beautiful set-up! The CLS caught my eye, love those stats, gorgeous. The last ones I had were the CLSIIZ's driven by VTL Ref350 monoblocks, with the CJ Art preamp. It was a fine combination. Many others came and went, and now nearly 25yrs later, I have the CLX Art's, driven with a full array of CJ tube gear, Absolutely outstanding!

BTW, noticed a Pass Labs amp... is that the XA30.8 by any chance? That's a fantastic match with ML stats. Once I've parked my tube monoblocks for a while, I'll most probably end up with the XA60.8's, marvellous amplifiers!

Good stuff matey, and enjoy those fine tunes! Woof!
The amp is a Pass Labs X150.8. It replaced a CJ Premier 350. The only reason I replaced the CJ was I had heard they can no longer source the transformer for that amp and with my luck, that would be the thing which would break although highly unlikely. I know Pass Labs stands by everything they make no matter how old. They basically over build it to ensure longevity. I have a close friend in the industry who knows Nelson Pass and he said basically they will over build a bit and for that reason he does not want to see it come back for repair. ;)

I wish I could afford the CLX but not on a retired budget and I think my CLSiiZ do just fine.

Welcome to the retirement club.
The new setup for you system look wonderful. The room looks like it is ideal for CLS spacing.
I am still tweaking which is dangerous. The CLX is just no in my reach anymore. I may consider having the electronics checked/upgraded in the future. I did replace an inductor and a couple of caps which gave them a bit more punch. I also added Dynamat around the panel on the back side to remove some of the motion transfer to the frames. What they did in the CLX was to run a rod down to solidify the panel and remove some of the transfer to the frame, I am told(?).

Take Care

The stands were made by a friend of mine in California. The "feet" are filled with sand. I am using Herbie's pucks for the spikes on the CLS.
BTW, I think I have pics of the stands if you or anyone would like to copy them. I had the height set for me so that the middle of the panel was at ear height.
The stands were made by a friend of mine in California. The "feet" are filled with sand. I am using Herbie's pucks for the spikes on the CLS.
The stands go nicely with the frames. Most people who try it find the CLS's sound better elevated a foot or so off the floor. More added mass certainly can't hurt. I use the Sound Anchor stands, not as attractive but functional. When I decided to pull the trigger on them it was a wait, they are not an off the shelf item. If you have a friend who does custom woodworking it may be faster.

I too am looking at retirement soon. I hope to get more into woodworking, as well as have more time for piano playing.
Nice one JZ, that Pass Labs amp will do mighty fine! The CJ Prem350 was their best SS design ever made. Sadly no more, and as you pointed out, parts for these designs are no longer available. I had the Prem350A driving Apogee Diva's at one time, that was quite a while back. A few years ago, I had the MF2550SE, which replaced the Prem350 and was their last SS design but I really don't think it ever replaced the Prem350. That particular SS design was something else!

Yes, Pass Labs really makes top gear, nothing to compromise on and they last a lifetime! Also, their tech support is tops, so no issues with any of their gear. Pass Labs is that type of gear when bought, you're set for life!

The CLS series stats are mighty fine and were the hallmark of ML's glory days, apart from their top line hybrids, such as the Monolith. If not for tropical climes and the terrible condition stats would end up in, including my Quads and Maggie's, I would've still kept my CLSIIz's if they worked properly.
Maggie's in tropical climes didn't fair so badly but panel type speakers in general, didn't last too long in such climates. That's about the time I ventured off panels and headed towards Infinity's and Genesis speakers. It was only after nearly two decades did I venture back into stats, and ended up with the CLX's, plus now living in a different country. The climate here down unda is ideal for stats.

Either way, CLS or CLX, you'll be enjoying those fine tunes!
Woof! RJ
Hi Jeff, welcome to the world of retirement, I'm on year four. I still recall the memories of yours, mine and Dan's various discussions over the years, may he RIP. Continue to enjoy your CLS's in good health !!
Nice one JZ, that Pass Labs amp will do mighty fine! The CJ Prem350 was their best SS design ever made. Sadly no more, and as you pointed out, parts for these designs are no longer available. I had the Prem350A driving Apogee Diva's at one time, that was quite a while back. A few years ago, I had the MF2550SE, which replaced the Prem350 and was their last SS design but I really don't think it ever replaced the Prem350. That particular SS design was something else!

Yes, Pass Labs really makes top gear, nothing to compromise on and they last a lifetime! Also, their tech support is tops, so no issues with any of their gear. Pass Labs is that type of gear when bought, you're set for life!

Woof! RJ
Just have to agree with you that Pass Labs is a terrific match for Martin Logans. And, yes, I certainly feel I am "set for life" with my current setup.
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I just showed your system photo who is knowledgeable and friend for lots of years. After exhausting all other A/B things, he thinks you should swap speakers L and R or get a calibration mike and test the pink noise output in the nearfield on each speaker. Choose one or the other.
Your problem might be that you are in a new room in a new home with new cables and different head end to boot.
You mentioned the solder joint on the inductor of the quiet speaker came loose. My friend mentions that if you ever encounter a cold solder joint, there are probably others to be found in the same box. He asked me after reading this conversation and seeing your system photo in your Indiana home if you have touched up everything with your soldering gun. Avoid lead free solder. He uses WBT silver solder on mine.
He states the properties of electrostats are unique enough that the loud speaker is accentuating a feature in your room that makes it seem louder than the speaker on the other side. With your home photo, you have general problems we encounter that are the same. He and I sat through a calibration with a pro this past summer and we learned a lot from him also.
My remedy was to calibrate the room with mics and pink noise this time.
Prior to 2024 we did what you are grappling with now and I still think you owe it to yourself to try moving or using a microphone on your speaker. I was told they only sell the panels in pairs. If you have to go with panels, I agree with that.
I did swap the electronics from left to right and the problem stayed on the left which told me it was the panel. They are 19 years old so I guess I should not complain too much. I did set up my home theater preamp, Mcintosh, with a microphone and got it balanced pretty well. Of course now that the speakers have different output levels, most of that is moot. Yes I do have more "space" on the right side than the left that is why I have an extra GIK panel there as well as corner traps. It is still a work in progress but I will get there! Once I have the new panels, about 2 weeks more, I will recalibrate everything. I am still thinking about having the electronics rebuilt/upgraded too.
Optimal placement of CLS inside room is critical for great sonics from both ML loudspeakers.

Because of sloping ceiling ML formula will not give you precise location of distance from front wall. Trial and error will have to do.

The formula will be able to provide precise distance of front midpoint of ML from sidewalls.

When CLS age placement is critical. I was lucky I came across a scientific formula that helped me to find the ideal location for CLS after greater than 2 and half decades of trial and error.

Less output from one speaker may be a room acoustic issue. I have had the same issue with my CLS. I tried many tweaks. Each helped some what. But the problem fixed through easy measurement calculation and precise placement.

Try this if you have not already. Low output panel interchange location with okay panel to see if okay panel has now low output. If this happens room acoustics are the issue and panel is okay.

You have great matching equipment and now what may help is precise placement to ameliorate the negative impact of room standing waves.
I agree on placement. I did swap the electronics but the problem remained with the speaker/panel.
Initially, I setup my speakers with a tape measure then tweak like toe-in, flash light method and rake angle to achieve the optimal performance. I also have GIK panels behind and off to the side, first reflection point and corner traps. I have a rug in the front of my audio equipment. The angled ceiling is a challenge but I am making it all work.

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