Underwhelmed? Some thoughts . . . .
Interesting discussion. My dealer suggested the McIntosh tube amp as the best sound for the Summits but it had no life at all.
I'm not at all surprised that your (40W/ch Class A?) Unico integrated is driving a pair of Summits nicely. It's common knowledge that (low impedance) stats sound terrific with less tube power than SS power. However, if the McIntosh combo you auditioned was disappointing, something is terribly wrong, maybe with the equipment itself, maybe somewhere else. I can't say.
What I
can say, is besides my own exciting results with the MC275, I've been in touch with a number of Summit/Vantage owners who drive their speakers with either one or two MC275's or in one case, an MC2102 (and he's getting a second one!) So far, I think I'm the only one driving CLS's, but Rich (mosttoysrk) will be joining me as soon as his MC275 arrives
Of the six of us currently using MC275/2102's, not one individual (even those still using the dull OEM tubes!) mentioned a lack of air, high frequencies, or dynamics; quite the contrary. So, to those of you not completely
thrilled hearing an MC275 driving an electrostatic panel, I can only say, "It isn't the amp!" A number of other things could be causing the poor performance you report, from stranded speaker cables to a mono/stereo switch in the wrong position to upstream parts of the system.
Too often, audiophiles judge a component from a single 'listen'. Or make another big mistake assuming if a new component sounds terrible when dropped into an otherwise excellent-sounding 'reference' system, it
must be the new component -- completely ignoring (or ignorant of) the fact that the host system is partly or completely incompatible with the audition piece.
I should also mention that if one already has the 'right' combination of quality equipment, and the system still doesn't sound like it did at the dealer, or like the reviewer said, etc, you can be almost certain the problem is the room -- and the only component 'change' that can (help) fix that is an active room equalizer and/or passive room treatments. A great room can't fix a lousy system, but a lousy room
can destroy a great system.