ML Source has Static & Cutting Out - HELP!

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Jul 13, 2015
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For anyone that can help alleviate the pain that comes from having your prized Martin Logans fizzle out, I thank you.

I'm the 2nd owner of a set of relatively new ML Sources, and have gotten 6 months of regular listening out of them with no issues at all (so I know they aren't lemons). I had to move them to another room for a few weeks and after putting them back I'm having some problems with one of them. (I was extremely careful and don't think moving caused anything but I could be wrong). Anyway, periodically (sometimes several times in a song, sometimes once or twice an album) my right speaker will cut out, producing only slight static from the stator as well as the woofer (still recognizable as music...but closer to static). I've ruled out source, amp, dust, etc. Sometimes increasing the volume will get it to kick in, sometimes it just pops back on on it's own, but it's never stayed off for more than 10 seconds or so. When it's on though it sounds fine.

I've worked in A/V a bit and it sounds as if the amp is fine...but that the electronics that get the amp going (it's auto-sensing correct?) are farting out. Has anyone experienced this? I initially thought it could be the small power supply that charges the panel, but that only affects the panel right? If that were the issue wouldn't the woofer still play fine? I've replaced capacitors/resistors on other speakers and powered subs before, so I'm familiar doing that - but wanted to see if I'm missing something else before taking the thing apart. I have almost no experience with electrostats but found I'm quite addicted and my Christmas vinyl hates being played over my HTIAB kit.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks,
ML Source is passive, so no power amps inside. And the fact that ESL and woofer go out together (confirm?) indicates that something simple is wrong, like one of the speaker terminals.
ML Source is passive, so no power amps inside. And the fact that ESL and woofer go out together (confirm?) indicates that something simple is wrong, like one of the speaker terminals.

So the little adapter on the back and the blue LED on the front are JUST indicating that the stat is charging? If so, I'll probably take the back panel off and see if anything's loose. Crossing my fingers and hoping for something simple - glad to hear it's probably NOT the panel though!!!!

By your symptoms, whatever is wrong is common to both ESL and woofer, which still does not rule out upstream equipment. So since it keeps playing softly when it goes 'out,' before looking inside, next time it happens give the cabinet a whack. If normal play resumes, then likely something inside is loose.
By your symptoms, whatever is wrong is common to both ESL and woofer, which still does not rule out upstream equipment. So since it keeps playing softly when it goes 'out,' before looking inside, next time it happens give the cabinet a whack. If normal play resumes, then likely something inside is loose.

The amp must have gotten bumped...the plug on that end was loose. I'd feel a little dumb except I didn't pay anything for this fix which so I call it a win. It just really sounded like a speaker issue. Thanks for suggesting I double check