I think you make a great point here, Justin. Magnepans have a rabid following just like ML so it is obviously a technology that can produce great sound. ML uses AMT drivers and conventional cone speakers along with their traditional esl panels. So it wouldn't really be a stretch for them to venture into this area. Interesting thought. Personally, I really like the sound of the big Maggies.
This touches on a broader point I had made earlier in this thread, that there is a great opportunity for ML to use its legacy and its expertise to transition into standing for something much more than just ES sound. ML today clearly is synonymous with the best ES sound. But NOT with the sound that most closely resembles the original source, which is a significantly more desirable positioning and aspiration (ala the "Great Speaker Company Bringing Live Sound to your home"). Ribbons/Planars would be a very natural extension. Many ribbon makers e.g. Bruce Thigpen of Eminent Technology (whose speakers are great but FUGLY
See below for a very interesting interview with Bruce Thigpen which touches on some of these themes.
It is for possibilities such as these that I am so MUCH more optimistic about the potential here than many others, if Shoreview plays its cards right. Experience shows that it is much harder for the original entrepreneurs to move into fundmentally new but good directions. Not impossible (e.g. Apple) but hard (e.g. Motorola, Nokia even, and many many more ...). Responsible new ownership can often be the catalyst for positive change, and new directions such as the above.
Arguably, ML, Magnepan and Wilson might be the only remaining brand names that have the history (and skills) to pull something like the above off.
Frankly, maybe ML should even consider buying Magnepan to develop this new line.
Separately, I would suggest to Justin and the CEO to clean up the brand. It is too damn confusing with Reserve ESL, ESL, Motion, Architectire and ATF. Unlike many here, I think it is essential for ML to move into the Best Buy segment for many of the reasons already stated. But not by diluting the core ML brand. I would suggest that ML should have only three brands/lines:
ML Signature or Reserve: High end ESL and planars, sold through high end dealers
ML: Lower end ESL/planars, ATFs and Motions etc. Sold through other retailers
ML Architect: In walls, and custom installations sold through high end dealers and installers.
ML executives: if you implement any of the above ideas, rememeber where you heard em first