Neil, this is an honest question not trying to challenge your beliefs or knowledge, but I am curious. You continue to speak very highly of the Purist Audio Venustas speaker cables that you are currently using. But you keep telling everyone to chose a solid wire type cable, also referring to Mr Sanders information on low stranding for ELS speakers as the only way to go with ELS's. How do you account for the fact that your Venustas speaker cables are high count multi-strand wire.
Doesn't this go against what you believe to be true for cabling ELS speakers? Brad
Brad, maybe I wasn't clear in my other posts. First of all, this whole thing started when I was looking into some cables I saw on eBay made (supposedly) by ML. Turns out it was true:
That got my curiosity, and I was off and running, researching everything I could find. One of the best discussions was the one on Roger Sanders' website, and since he makes a cable that supposedly addresses these issues, I wrote and asked if I could try a pair. He said yes, and would I like to try his amp too

. So I still have to speak with him and make arrangements.
do like the Purist products,
particularly the Venustas line, because I've come to the realization that among cables in that medium-high price range, they offer the most advanced engineering features and deliver the best performance for the dollar. My entire system uses Venustas signal cable, except my subwoofer is connected with a pair of Straightwire Maestro single ended. Of course I haven't heard, much less lived with,
everything. But I must say, I've experienced a pretty good cross section. And only quit when I could say I was truly thrilled with how my system was sounding. That was over three years ago. BTW, the Venustas speaker cables are not
highly stranded, well under the 100 number that was mentioned. Nevertheless I'm fascinated with this (new to me) science around the care and feeding of stats and the highly capacitative load they present.
So I'm not making recommendations to anybody, as I haven't even checked them out for myself. I also called Purist yesterday because their new Proteus line is all solid core. I spoke with John who has Summits, which he was driving with Venustas, but now with the Proteus. He says there is better top and bottom extension, (and that was before I mentioned about the stranded/solid thing.) So
you know I intend to get my hands on a pair of those too!!
Yes, I
have heard
talk in the past about solid wire and stats, but it was always anecdotal, lacking any scientific explanation. You know, stuff like
"They say solid speaker wire works better with stats!" Oh! How come?
"I dunno. But that's what I've heard. . . " Now doesn't that just make you want to write a check?!!