Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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Goregous CLSiiz System... Continued...

:cheers: And the CLSiiz system's left side view of the main with sub... :drool:


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Gentlemen Introducing The Amazing Martin Logan...

:band: Ascent i, Theater i Descent Krell System... :band:


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The Fantastic Vantage System Continued With Cinema i Center Channel...

:D Yet another view of the incredible Vantage system with the previous Cinema i center channel, instead of what was to become the Stage as center channel... :cheers:


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Gorgeous Prodigy's Paired with Incredible Pass Labs x1000.5 Mono-blocks...

:eek: OMG, this incredible Prodigy system sports two Pass Labs x1000.5 mono-blocks just amazing... :drool: :band:


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Vantage Lovelies...

:p Yet another ML Vantage, Linn, Richard Gray system dressed to impress... :cheers:


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Does It Get Any Better Than This?

Thrilling Odyssey, Theater i System... Super cool! :drool:

Can anyone name any of the audio electronics / gear in this system? :p :band:


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Found and ML system

Hey, my brother is looking at buying my mom and dad a house so they will move closer to the two of us and we went and looked at one of the houses today and there it was...a rather large CRT TV (maybe 34" or so...I forgot how big those are now) flanked by two VERY LARGE ML speakers. At first I thought they might be Monoliths but they were not wide enough for that and they had the wood trim that goes from the top all the way to the bottom like the Aerius and SL3's...what are those speakers? The had the "disco scipt" Martin Logan on the bottom. Quite tall...WAY taller than my Aerius were. Any clues? I guess I don't know my classic ML gear as well as I thought I did. They were NOT very deep. Maybe not even as deep as my Aerius.
Super Systems or affordable systems. doesn't matter to me...they're all winners and I enjoy seeing each one of them! I can't think of a better way to spend my lunchtime at work than to page thru this wonderful thread over and over. Thanks to you Robin and some others for your enthusiastic and dedicated input. It's like paging thru a magazine full of brilliant color pictures on one of our favorite hobbies!

You have to admit, seeing all these pictures helps give lots of ideas about decor and more!

Tom...we need chapters here...this book is getting long! (only kidding!)

Keep it coming!
Any chance to provide us a pic ? Tempo 2 minutes and you'll get the model, year of release, impedance and size :D

I looked on the list and asked another question because it is one of these three speakers:

Quest, ReQuest, Quest Z. They looked like all of those as they all look the same. I sent them a note to see if they are interested in selling them (cheap of course...I don't actually NEED THEM!) Since they are moving soon and those are pretty big speakers and one of them has a small dent in the very top part of the stator way at the top where there is that 2" wide black part that does not have any holes in it...they might be willing to sell them cheap...

I'll keep you all posted and if I end up with them I'll send a pic.
ML Super Systems Thread...

Super Systems or affordable systems. doesn't matter to me...they're all winners and I enjoy seeing each one of them! I can't think of a better way to spend my lunchtime at work than to page thru this wonderful thread over and over. Thanks to you Robin and some others for your enthusiastic and dedicated input. It's like paging thru a magazine full of brilliant color pictures on one of our favorite hobbies!

You have to admit, seeing all these pictures helps give lots of ideas about decor and more!

Tom...we need chapters here...this book is getting long! (only kidding!)

Keep it coming!

:D Hey Thank you very much!

I must confess I never thought this tread would be as extensive as it has become. :eek: I owe it all to our gracious Webmaster / President for indulging my ML fetish... :p But I love finding all the ML Super System in the world for you guys... :D


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ML Statement e2 HT Showroom...


Still an awesome Statement e2 system ML put together a few years back. What this photo doesn't show is the four Script i's mounted - one up-side down the other right-side-up on each side of this HT, Martin Logan set-up in Lawrence, KS... :D Excellent photo, the one I posted was much smaller... :rolleyes: I like yours way better... :D
Vantage McIntosh Lovies....

This HT system sports an awesome symmetry of sound and vision with those beautiful Vantage ML speakers as mains and McIntosh electronics providing power and grace. :D Check-out those duel SVS mega huge subwoofer just behind the Vantages... All in all a truly lovely Martin Logan HT from start to finish... :cheers:


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