Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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Fantastic Prodigy System... Associated Electronic Gear....

Are your ready for this.... :drool: :wow:

Well, it's to be expected for a Fantastic Prodigy HT system like this one... Meridian and sooo much more...:drool: :band:


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Are your ready for this....

Well, it's to be expected for a Fantastic Prodigy HT system like this one... Meridian and sooo much more...:drool: :band:

See, some people do have great taste. Viva Meridian ;)
Super Sequel II System...

:p Beautiful Sequel II's with Transrotor - Burmester electronical gear... :D


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:p Beautiful Sequel II's with Transrotor - Burmester electronical gear... :D

Robin, come on are loosing your touch... Those are Quest, ReQuest, Quest Z's I think... I am not expert on this but I thought the Sequel looked like tall Aerius...
Sequel II...

Robin, come on are loosing your touch... Those are Quest, ReQuest, Quest Z's I think... I am not expert on this but I thought the Sequel looked like tall Aerius...

:D I tend to think you are quite correct but that was what the caption stated for this particular photo, at the website, where I borrowed this photo from... :p If you had to choose one i. e., Quest, ReQuest or Quest Z, which one would you choose? :cheers:

:D I tend to think you are quite correct but that was what the caption stated for this particular photo, at the website, where I borrowed this photo from... :p If you had to choose one i. e., Quest, ReQuest or Quest Z, which one would you choose? :cheers:

I think the web site is wrong and don't make me guess between those three! I think someone said the only REAL way to tell is to read what it says on the back of the speaker as they all look the same...
Mystery ML Speaker...

I think the web site is wrong and don't make me guess between those three! I think someone said the only REAL way to tell is to read what it says on the back of the speaker as they all look the same...

:D What are we gonna do? Oh well, it's a ML I know that for sure and it looks cool... :p :D
Glorious Summit System...

This Summit system is very clean and straight foreward. :wow: :banana:
I just really like the looks of this very lovely Summit system... :drool: :band:


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Marvelous... Lovely... Statement e2's...

:drool: :band: The very pinnacle of ML speakers the Statement e2's....:band: :drool:


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:drool: :band: The very pinnacle of ML speakers the Statement e2's....:band: :drool:

Yes... but I bet a pair of Frescos will out-image that pair of E2s based on how the chair is in between the speakers! J/K!!

Beautiful Statement e2's on Display At CEDIA Shows of Years Ago...

:D Statement e2's must have really left a huge impression at CEDIA shows of years past.... ;) They are soooo lovely ML speakers. :D


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I think those are the vaunted E2x.....

I don't know those...what are they? Just bigger versions? They look HUGE, but I think they may be sitting on a small riser. It must have been a pretty recent show, you can see the Plasma on the wall and the ad for the Fresco speakers too and so you know that is not more than what 3 years old or so I would guess?
Here I would like to show you my friend Lutz's system : ML Clarity, PIONEER Receiver and DVD, Akai GX-77, JVC QL-Y55F, Philips TV and Reelbox media center/sat-receiver.


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Lovely Clarity System...

Here I would like to show you my friend Lutz's system : ML Clarity, PIONEER Receiver and DVD, Akai GX-77, JVC QL-Y55F, Philips TV and Reelbox media center/sat-receiver.

:D Your friend Lutz's system is quite beautiful and very well set-up, I might add... :cheers: A gorgeous addition to our wonderful ML Super Systems Thread, I must say... :D Brilliant Reel-to-Reel set-up as well.
Monster ~ Monolith Super System...

:drool: These Monoliths are simply fantabulously fantastic... :D


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