Jolida quality

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UHA is a dealer for Jolida like any other Jolida dealer across the world and that is it.
There are no volumes of issues, or any fishyness, in fact there were no issues with this Jolida purchase I am aware of at all, until I came across this post.
If you had an issue why didn't you make someone aware if it at Jolida or at UHA?

You state that you bought the JD1000 and it sounded better than your Krell, I assume the Krell cost much more than the JD1000.
You had this amp for 5 or 6 years without issue.
I have to assume that it has provided proper service and sound quality for that time because you have not contacted anyone anywhere with any issue.
As an audio dealer with an impeccable reputation and countless happy customers for the last 15 years we stand behind all the products we sell and will happily provide support through any warranty issue or repair.
Over the years we have even provided support for products we do not sell to properly service our valued customers.

Look, if you want to say UHA is a dealer for Jolida like any other Jolida dealer, then fine, say that. I don't believe it for a minute, though. I call having a repair room, or "factory" as you call it in the same building and then you saying the gear was never worked on; I call that fishy. When I'm lied to by the UHA salesperson about a non-existent California shop and where the amp is "upgraded" and you say UHA never has worked on Jolida; I call that fishy.

As far as you being aware of any issues prior to this, there were a few minor ones. But that's not the point. I had moved on from the amp and didn't really care. If I was really concerned about it, I would have made arrangements to have it repaired. I would have done that say, if I was going to sell it, as I wouldn't sell something that I knew had an issue. I let my friend look at it, just for fun. Because we're audiophiles and we like to know about our stereo equipment. After taking the covers off, that's when we noticed the assembly issues.

The Jolida and the Krell were roughly the same price. Yes, I liked the sound of the Jolida more, but again, that's not the issue. You don't "have to assume" that it provided proper service and sound quality...", because I said in my very first post that I used it for about six years and then the problem started.

I never once implied that you had not stood behind anything. Did I make any claims like that? No, I didn't. All I did was show some photos of a p***-poor soldering job on my amp and said I couldn't recommend these products based on that. Then you pushed back, saying UHA never worked on Jolida and I called you on it, as I saw it with my own eyes.
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