Grotto Vs Depth Question

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From time to time someone will question as to whether a particular sub is 'overkill' for their system, but I think the scenario only works in reverse. If your subwoofer is under-spec'd for your system and the gain is all the way up (from what I hear, they go to eleven), there isnt much you can do except step up to a bigger unit. If you have a somewhat larger unit as the Descent, you could always trim the gain down to match the output of your main speakers.

Kind of like Horsepower in a car... you don't have to push the loud pedal all the way to the floor, but once you do that is ALL YOU GET! If you need more TO BAD!
You must be referring to my 2001 Dodge Ram 4x4. Damn near bent the driver's side floor boards right down to the frame trying to eek more out of the gas pedal.
You'd think that someone who spends as much time in NJ/NY commuter traffic would dream up something better than the little Mopar 318 and off-road gearing (!)
