Ohhh! This is dangerous ground or shall I say tricky as walking in a mine field...
Several people have attempted it by grey imports / parallel imports, which customs definitely frowns upon. So what happens when you do this is:
1. Shipping costs - not a big deal
2. CIF (cost insurance freight) very important to get the value and invoice right, otherwise customs will impose heavy penalties.
3. Custom duties- these need to be paid upon arrival. If customs see these items as used, under "personal effects" phew! Breathe easy... but if they view it as brand new, plus the local Aus importer also carries the same brand/ same model, they will land a duty charge to make up for it!
4. Brand new - means under Int'l warranty and NO local Aus warranty... not a good idea if something goes wrong, the Aus importer / dealer will not even look at it! Simply because you did a parallel import! They view this as being dishonest and dodgy. Grey or parallel imports are ok if the items are used/ second hand then no issues or have sentimental value (like my CLX's vs loving wifey...)
After careful consideration of the above... might as well buy from local importer, after all full warranty is provided backed by service & technical support if things go wrong, and things do go wrong... nothing's bullet proof not even McIntosh!
I know of several people who did this, with CJ, ARC, VTL, ML, Maggie's and Genesis speakers, they all ran into serious problems to such an extent that some of their gear is rendered useless now, just sitting there collecting dust. Can't be fixed, since the importer won't bother ordering the parts simply because...
These people got their fingers burnt big time!
However, back in hometown anything goes! I had a real tough time dealing with parallel & grey imports, items were flying in & out through the entire Sth East Asian region. Plus you can bring anything you want as long as that white envelope containing a few

reaches the customs chief

then all is well! No worries mate, and they end up at your place for drinks!
Can't do this down unda, our ABF (Australian Border Force) are fierce as those great whites! Piranhas &

roaming... no chance bro!
OTOH I know one chap who imported the Kondo Audio Note Overture integrated amplifier. It was costing about 20 grand here, and he imported it for 10grand. Then he had an issue with the tube bias circuit, and sent the unit all the way to Japan Audio Note HQ to fix. They did! And sent it back in full working order and his final bill was in excess of 3grand. He didn't mind since Japan HQ were the only ones who could do that particular repair.
Cheers, RJ