Equipment cooling - dedicated AC

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I replaced my filter on the weekend. It was disgusting! The house is not dirty - really!, that's the amazing part, but being really humid over summer the A/C has been running non-stop for the last three months or so.

This was white a year ago!


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Since someone just asked me about this install on another forum, I revisited this thread 4 year later, and can happily report that this unit has fully lived up to expectations.
It's been super quiet, both indoor and outdoor units are inaudible.
Energy savings are amazing, my power bill went *down*, as this unit reduced demands on the main whole-house, multi-zoned AC system.
Zero equipment failures in that room, and it houses dozens of pieces of gear, from audio to 24/7 on computers, networking gear and satellite distribution systems (which run very hot in 'normal' conditions).

No service problems, just once a year vacuuming and washing of the air filters, that's it.

Highly recommended.
Glad to hear all is working well. I had not seen this thread previously and have been curious about this type of split units.

What size was this unit v.s. room size? I don't know if these units are rated in parts of a ton as normal systems are.

I realize it was 4 years ago but if you don't mind what was the cost then?

I am in total agreement on overseeing anything going on with contractors. Not that they are knowingly doing something wrong but anything that can go wrong often doecoming comming to the end of what will be a 2 year renovation of our home this fall and my wife keeps saying just bring in someone to do this or that and I can't bring my self to do it. I'm just to---well particular/picky/pain in the butt about what I am going to live with.

I would like to hear your system sometime. Next time we are in Ga. I may call ahead to see if it is possible.
Hi Brad, sure, anytime it works for both of us, anyone is invited to audition if they are in the area.

As for size of room vs unit. this a one-ton (12,000 BTU) AC vs a 90 sq. foot room jam-packed with gear, so none of the 'traditional' metrics apply. It gets super-hot if not cooled, and now it is ;)

You need to look at the total BTU output of: projector, audio gear + people (2,000 BTU/hr per person IIRC) and calculate based on that.

In my case, it was the total BTU output of dozens of pieces of gear, all of which added up to about 8,000+ BTU, so I gave myself some headroom and got a 12,000BTU unit.

The variable-speed compressor is magical, and makes this class of installation really work. Even in the winter, when the thermal load is reduced (due to cooler exterior temps) it still works wonders.