Count me (and the wife) in as MAJOR DCD and Lisa Gerrard fans.
Have the entire DCD collection plus all the Lisa G work, including soundtracks.
Lisa's voice can only truly be appreciated on a good Martin Logan system (or live, which I've had the pleasure of twice).
Additionally, the great instrumentals and percussive accompaniment require accurate sounding setups to hear every nuance (and there are plenty) in their very creative music.
When I really want to get in a contemplative mood, I put on Lisa's Duality album.
Our favorite playlsits feature >50% Lisa and DCD content.
To others who think Dianna Krall is the best singer to show off your ML's with, you must hear Lisa Gerrard. Her range is beyond real, and her vocalizations are the music, vs something that tries to adapt to a melody and rhythm.
Her new album,
The Silver Tree should be out in a few weeks.