Interesting that some can hear this sound and some cannot with their setups and it appears to be just on this album - as per Tonepub's posts. I cannot believe DSOTM is the only album with these subsonic levels exciting a room and it modes. There are many other albums noted for low level sonics which could be tried to see if the same thing happens.
Tonepub - does it detract from the listening experience of the music or was it something you just picked up on one day?
And I did not mean to infer that MCH is better than 2 channel. In that quote, I was rather making the point that at least with MCH there is more sound to love,

again I am acutely aware that some people don't like MCH and that is fine with me.
Boy, this typing and then trying to understand each other is difficult at best - welcome to public forums!!!! In person we all would have resolved this much sooner
Let me see if I can get across my point better: MCH can really improve upon the listening experience, but it can also ruin it. More is not always better.
Reference: SACD version: DSOTM which I grew up with in my party days,
IMO (and some may vehemently disagree) ruins the music experience in MCH - it is gimmicky, sound all around you bouncing here and there, etc. It takes away or detracts from the music experience, again IMO.
If they would have just taken a far less aggressive approach with the surround channels, it would have been better. Other works on MCH have done this too - when it gets too agressive it ruins it for me. BUT BUT BUT, I have musician friends who like when this happens as they feel they are on stage playing with the artists. So I guess it is a preference thing.
I RESPECT that you like MCH more and glad you have the ARM and MAP-1 to enjoy this. We all need to determine what we like best and be glad we have the rigs to do this.
To me DSOTM is not that great sounding - but one must evaluate it for rock music from many years back and compare it against other recordings of the day and then I guess you could say it does have good quality. DSOTM is probably one of the MOST recommended SACD MCH albums recommended - and I just disagree. But the world keeps turning LOL
I have other SACD's from earlier years than DSOTM which I believe have better quality sound - but they are a different genre of music.
Sorry about the McCormack ARM lesson, didn't mean anything by it, just thought I would be a little clearer since the first post about using ARM with CD and phono was obviously not clear enough, although when I re-read it......anyway, if someone loves 2 channel fine, I happen to love multi-channel so I assume that is fine too.
The ARM lesson

was good for others who may not know about it. I was really just curious if you heard the sounds with ARM engaged or not.