Fact: A well designed acoustical room is better than $25,000 worth of expensive wire.
Lets look at the company that to me is the biggest Snake Oil Salesman of them all:
Transparent Audio. Ever open their little black boxes? Nevermind, that isn't the point.
Lets talk about how Transparent Audio (now referred to as TA) tries to get an extremely well known Dealer into the TA selling business. This is a first hand experience:
1. First they wined and dined us in Indianapolis during CEDIA.
2. They then flew us out to their home base in Maine during early October (a month later).
3. They decide to blow us away with their demo room.
Now lets discuss this demo room:
1. Isolated Slab, yes slab.
2. 5 layers of thick sheetrock.
3. Isolated walls from the floor.
4. The middle of the room is itself an Isolated Listening Area.
5. Every INCH is covered with different RPG Panels.
6. Even the Air vents were acoustically treated.....
So what gear do they have to show us the impressive power of TA cables?
Wilson Audio/Mark Levinson combo.
Our response? Nice ROOM! We didn't go with TA. We could find no reason to. Everything they showed us was in our opinions a product of room and equipment design. If they had showed us some inferior product in an ok room that all of a sudden sounded better with their cable they might have had me hooked.
Instead all I thought was "sweet room."
I also thought later that it was interesting that they went that out of the way to make such an amazing demo room. How would I know it wasn't the room more than the cable? You wouldn't. That I think was their point.
So if a Snake Oil Salesman believes that a perfect room helps sell oil....
Lets look at the company that to me is the biggest Snake Oil Salesman of them all:
Transparent Audio. Ever open their little black boxes? Nevermind, that isn't the point.
Lets talk about how Transparent Audio (now referred to as TA) tries to get an extremely well known Dealer into the TA selling business. This is a first hand experience:
1. First they wined and dined us in Indianapolis during CEDIA.
2. They then flew us out to their home base in Maine during early October (a month later).
3. They decide to blow us away with their demo room.
Now lets discuss this demo room:
1. Isolated Slab, yes slab.
2. 5 layers of thick sheetrock.
3. Isolated walls from the floor.
4. The middle of the room is itself an Isolated Listening Area.
5. Every INCH is covered with different RPG Panels.
6. Even the Air vents were acoustically treated.....
So what gear do they have to show us the impressive power of TA cables?
Wilson Audio/Mark Levinson combo.
Our response? Nice ROOM! We didn't go with TA. We could find no reason to. Everything they showed us was in our opinions a product of room and equipment design. If they had showed us some inferior product in an ok room that all of a sudden sounded better with their cable they might have had me hooked.
Instead all I thought was "sweet room."
I also thought later that it was interesting that they went that out of the way to make such an amazing demo room. How would I know it wasn't the room more than the cable? You wouldn't. That I think was their point.
So if a Snake Oil Salesman believes that a perfect room helps sell oil....