Seth - don't hold out on us! We want to know more!!! Don't tease me
Sorry for being MIA

Just been a busy boy getting the rest of the AV gear all connected.

So all the stuff on the AV racks are now connected (with the exception of the SACD/DVD-A player). So other than that the only thing I need to do is get the music streaming up and running.
Movies on Blu-ray/HD DVD and CD music have been nothing short of phenomenal! Watched Dragonheart on HD DVD the other night and the sound (Dolby Digital Plus) was an assault on the senses. The soundfield was more dynamic than I have ever heard it before, with detailed sound cues all over the room, and LFE that was powerful yet tight. The bass from the AVP-A1HDCI is different from the bass out of the Sunfire TGIII. The TGIII bass is a bit boomier, while the AVP's bass is more defined and way more punchy and tight. I have to honestly say that I much prefer the bass from the AVP over the Sunfire.
Another thing I noticed is how much better the sound is when bitstreamed from the high def players and decoded by the Denon pre/pro, rather than decoded internally by the player. When I was using the TGIII I was only able to listen to TrueHD via the analog outs on my Toshiba XA2, and I thought it sounded great. But once I connected the XA2 via HDMI to the Denon pre/pro and listened to those same HD DVD's, the difference was huge! TrueHD through HDMI offers a wider soundfield, LFE with more impact, more detail, and more dynamics. The sound improvement is not subtle.
So now I can honestly say that internal player decoding does not sound the same as bitstreamed. IMHO bitstreamed is definitely the best way to go!
Now to the features and functions on the Denon pre/pro. The GUI on this thing is way more advanced than the cryptic menu system of past Denon products. This new look is a much welcomed improvement.

And despite the complexity of this pre/pro, the GUI is very interactive and is pretty easy to navigate around. Initial setup took less than 10 minutes. Of course to get the most out of this unit one needs to delve into all the options available. But this will take a while.
So once I get the SACD/DVD-A connected, and get the music streaming going, I will report back on how they sound. If it's anything like what I've heard on this thing so far, it will be pretty awesome.
.....stay tuned.