As an architect specializing in interiors,
What dont you specialize in ? I have to say the design of Sound Anchors' CLS stands is nearly perfect, precisely because they
do not call attention to themselves. Like a good preamp, they just disappear, leaving the panels, which are complete in themselves, practically levitating above the floor.
Yeah they do the job , but they look like a welded up help sign , suporting a Monet !
When every item in a room is saying, "look at me first!" or, "look, we
all match!" (a dead giveaway an amateur got loose) what you get is visual cacophony -- like when the whole orchestra is tuning up at once (except the orchestra eventually stops tuning!) In that kind of room, there is no place for the eyes to rest.
May I sugest you give you mouth a rest !
With all due respect to Jeff and his beautifully crafted matching oak stands, to my eye that approach actually diminishes the design impact of the perfectly proportioned oak speaker frame. The CLS is mostly black anyway, so if you
must have "matching accents", the Sound Anchor stands are in fact the obvious choice. :bowdown:
Actually If you were so meticulous on knowing his system , The panels are BRONZE
, Martin Logan has not made black panels in years.
PS: They also do the best job
Opinions are like *******s , everyone has one and they all stink