Jungle Jack
Well-known member
For some time, my neighbor has been offering me cash and his Cinema Center Channel Speaker for my Stage. He his system consists of dual pairs(Main/Surround) of Vista's, and aforementioned Cinema, and a Descent i.
Yesterday, he offered me his Descent i and Cinema for my Stage and Depth (non i). I must say, I am kinda tempted. While I love my Depth, the Descent i is in another league entirely.
Any thoughts as to which you would rather have would be greatly appreciated.
For some time, my neighbor has been offering me cash and his Cinema Center Channel Speaker for my Stage. He his system consists of dual pairs(Main/Surround) of Vista's, and aforementioned Cinema, and a Descent i.
Yesterday, he offered me his Descent i and Cinema for my Stage and Depth (non i). I must say, I am kinda tempted. While I love my Depth, the Descent i is in another league entirely.
Any thoughts as to which you would rather have would be greatly appreciated.