I have one and i love it...I have compared it with Halcro DM-8,Halo C1,Classe,AR REF3 and with the Jadis.After all these comparisons i bought one for my system.
But hold on!! Isn't everyone considering this pre???
It will be interesting to see if Michael's new products are more reliable than the CP products were.No, I'm considering the Aria WV5XL by Alta Vista Audio.
No, I'm considering the Aria WV5XL by Alta Vista Audio. Check it out http://ariaaudio.com/WV.htm
It will be interesting to see if Michael's new products are more reliable than the CP products were.
Tried the Cary SLP-05 in my system after trying the Cary SLP-98 and Audio Research LS17. Since it is priced well above those two it should perform much better... and it did. Very dynamic, well balanced soundstage lots of bloom on the notes.
Is a pre change going to be bigger than this in all of your relative opinions?
But if you can't hear jaw-dropping differences between a Denon and a Wadia source played direct to the amp, it may be that something is lacking elsewhere in your system. Remember, a good preamp shouldn't change the sound that much; it should just pass the signal through from the source. The purest form of that is a straight wire, which is what the Wadia direct to the amp is.
I am the last person to fall for minor changes or placebo. If I upgrade and spend my hard-earned money, I'd like to know it was for something tangible.
I have compared the 05 vs the 98 in the same room. In that same trend, I compared the entire Rogue current pre line up (except Hera) vs the 98... and the Rotel RC1070 somewhere along the line, too.
I found the 05 to be the best I've ever had in my system - perfect for me because I have a set of headphones that need amplification, too!
The difference between the 05 and the 98 can be simply stated as this:
One's out of focus, the other's not.
You can guess which one's which.
The 98 never had a chance!!
Preamps make a huge difference! I have had many in my system and they have all done different things some better some worse. I can tell you my CJ CT-5 is the best I have owned in the last five years. It makes music come alive but it is all preference I suppose.
What I really want to hear in my system is the Ref3 and the Bat REX...
Uh oh. Here we go again.
Another factor that I believe Rich alluded to is how "finely tuned" your system is. By this, I mean that all contributing factors (cables, speaker position, vibration attenuation, etc.) are set up to perform at the "optimum" thereby allowing one to hear even miniscule changes. As I'm sure you know, the preamp is a key component in the "chain" that dramatically impacts the final sound you will hear from your system.
IMHO, if you can't hear the difference in sound when you swap out the preamp, something else (not good) is going on.
Good luck with your venture.
What I really want to hear in my system is the Ref3 and the Bat REX...
Why bother with trying other preamps when you already have a great one? I'd look in other areas for a weaker link in the chain. Perhaps room treatments, bass traps, a high-end cd player with digital input for your SB3, etc.
By the way, how was the analog experience? Did you like or not like the sound of vinyl?
Just some thoughts. Too bad we missed you in Florida last week. Hope you had fun.