Can anyone suggest of matching Cary CAD-211 mono blocks with Summit? Currently I am using Cary SLP-05 with Plinius SA-102 power amp. Does it worth the upgrade?
Can anyone suggest of matching Cary CAD-211 mono blocks with Summit? Currently I am using Cary SLP-05 with Plinius SA-102 power amp. Does it worth the upgrade?
Can anyone suggest of matching Cary CAD-211 mono blocks with Summit? Currently I am using Cary SLP-05 with Plinius SA-102 power amp. Does it worth the upgrade?
I can only imagine it to be SUPERB !! As a fellow SA-102 owner, I can tell you that I am more than pleased with the introduction of Rogue M-150 MonoBlocks(I am by no means trying to compare them to the CAD-211's) into my system.
As risabet said, probably a match made in Heaven, GO FOR IT !!
Are you trying to tell me that I should go tubes as well???
Are you trying to tell me that I should go tubes as well???
Dave, I'm confused. When you said "on the other hand" (after stating that the tube midrange was better), I was expecting you to say that the SA-102 was superb in both the lower and upper end of the freq spectrum. As it stand, your statement implies that the M150's were better in all areas. Is that what you really mean?With the Plinny biased and warmed up in Class 'A' , the mid-range magic of the tubes were only slighty better than the SA-102, IMO. On the other hand the M-150's performed superbly in both the lower and upper end of the freq spectrum.
Dave, I'm confused. When you said "on the other hand" (after stating that the tube midrange was better), I was expecting you to say that the SA-102 was superb in both the lower and upper end of the freq spectrum. As it stand, your statement implies that the M150's were better in all areas. Is that what you really mean?
I love the "Plinny", you know that, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to try the tube MonoBlocks. For me the Rogue descission was an easy one, the company is less than a two drive from my house, I know the owner, got a hell of deal, and thus I'm a Happy Camper !
Now, as I said before I still have no plans on selling my SA-102. Last weekend I did a little swap out between the M-150's and the SA-102. With the Plinny biased and warmed up in Class 'A' , the mid-range magic of the tubes were only slighty better than the SA-102, IMO. On the other hand the M-150's performed superbly in both the lower and upper end of the freq spectrum.
So, what does all this mean ...... you and only you can decide if tube amplification is what you so desire.
It's the amp i am planing to buy...and you should know that owr cables match perfect with tubes