Gordon Gray
Well-known member
I think the USA political environment has become a massive "black hole" and we continue to sink into the abyss with no bottom in sight.
Besides, Joseph was a pedophile and he gave us Jesus.
Rich I don't know what crazy Fu**ing church you go to that doesn't believe that Mary was impregnated by immaculate conception, by God and Joseph played father.
Besides, Joseph was a pedophile and he gave us Jesus.
Rich I don't know what crazy Fu**ing church you go to that doesn't believe that Mary was impregnated by immaculate conception, by God and Joseph played fathers .
I am sure he was referring to some comments made post allegation by some conservative commentators/media/ stupid politician. Take your pick. Something like this was actually said as some sort of .... I don't know ... justification??
Besides, Joseph was a pedophile and he gave us Jesus.
Rich I don't know what crazy Fu**ing church you go to that doesn't believe that Mary was impregnated by immaculate conception, by God and Joseph played father.
Sorry Rich, it's not often you use amusing (beyond belief) sarcasm. It went over my head.
Sorry Rich, it's not often you use amusing (beyond belief) sarcasm. It went over my head.
So I gotta say - this whole idiot in Alabama ....the timing on this just seems convenient. I think Hannity was asking for due process and was raked over the coals. Are these all claims from 30+ years ago? I am really speechless on this. The claims are the unthinkable and yet unproven. But in the end rumor and claims seem to rule the day. And don't think I am 'on his side'. I'm not. I wouldn't have voted for the guy without these claims. But an accusation is as good as fact in this case.
What really works in this type of case? A good old fashioned beat down by these fathers.
Hey now, don’t sell Roy Moore short. He’s more than just a pedophile. He’s a grandstanding zealot who uses fire and brimstone and fake piety to manipulate the ignorant evangelical rubes that populate this great state. I’m sure he had his hand on a bible when he took his oath of office and promised to uphold the Constitution as State Supreme Court Justice (and then was removed from office twice for violating said oath). But the ignorant rednecks and brainwashed evangelicals will still vote for him because he wears a cowboy hat and hates gays and Muslims. Besides, Joseph was a pedophile and he gave us Jesus. So how bad can Roy be, anyway? /s
I was listening to him on fox and I kept hearing him say things like 'I don't recall anything sexual in nature '. I don't remember that. Not a flat out 'No!! It didn't happen! '
I'm confused. Is he suggesting that God was a pedophile? Or is it that the immaculate conception is BS and Joseph was a pedophile?
“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist. Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. There’s just nothing immoral or illegal here. Maybe just a little bit unusual.”
Sounds to me like he is ignoring/forgetting the whole virgin birth thing (and the fact the Bible never mentions Mary’s age) to use the Bible as precedent that there is nothing immoral or illegal with pedophilia/sex abuse of a minor in modern day America. You’ve got to understand that these people believe “God’s law” (as interpreted by them) trumps our nation’s laws and constitution. If they could, they absolutely would impose the Christian equivalent of “sharia law” on modern day American government.
Thanks for the clarification
I always love the hypocrisy of how we should allow freedom of religion as long is it is Christianity and how Scientology somehow is laughable and makes less sense than Christianity. I say that being well aware of the letters from Elron Hubbard explaining how you needed to start a religion in order to make real money.
Simply stated - in my opinion - religion is something men have used to control others forever.
That's a consensus. I've always been skeptical of religion in general for that very reason.
, but if guns were not so easily accessible, many of those shooting would never have happened. This is a much more effective way to curb this sort of behavior rather than throwing more guns at the problem.
The 2nd Amendment is not applicable anymore and needs to go away. Period.
Interesting take Mark, some of which I agree. It's a shame you didn't touch on the facts about how much law enforcement totally blew the warning signs given to them.