First off, thanks Dave & Tim.
I have a Spire/Summit issue, however:
From an earlier post:
"There's something that's been on my mind that I have never posted - why does the class D Descent blend so well with my tube amps? Furthermore, why does Krell bass sound so markedly different from either of them? Additionally, there aren't many SS amps that sound like good Krells in the bottom end department. Is it a Krell colouration - or is it only Krell that are getting it right? Curious one...
And a subsequent one:
Opps - this is pure pap! The bass, of course, was driven by the Spire's internal amps. Oh well...
Also, I'll add that I'd be amazed if I didn't prefer the Spire to my Ascents by some significant margin if plugged into my kit in my room.
Hm... got to the bottom of this one. Why doesn't the Spire/Summit allow line level inputs for the bass? I've only just discovered they don't (call me slow). It turns out that the Krell's output is being monitored via an inductance device... then amplified by the class D amps internally. What a queer arrangement!
So to some extent you are listening to your own amps, and to some extent the class D internal ones.
Another idea would simply be a class D by-pass switch... just so you could listen to the Krell and see if it was the better option.
Also, find yourself a nice tube amp for the panel, but with not the best bass response, and you are literally b*gg*r*ed. It
isn't going to work as well as a pure line level input into the class Ds. You surely need the line input for that arrangement.
No Spire or Summit review I have seen has even mentioned this.
I think this arrangement is totally bizarre

. Justify it, please, someone!