Batman Begins ~ HD-DVD

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Well-known member
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
Camano Island, Washington
Title: Batman Begins ~ HD-DVD
Year of Release: 2005
Film Studio: Warner Brothers
Genre: Action Adventure / Comic Book Sci-Fi

The DC Comic Book adventure of the Dark Knight comes into vivid life with Batman Begins in glorious HD-DVD. My first review / recommendation of any HD-DVD disc was chosen quite deliberately with Batman Begins, it is one of my all time favorite films. It has great philosophical meaning and depth, where with other films of this genre, just never even attempt to try to understand. Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) Batman has to come to grips with his fears, guilt and anger. Christian Bale delivers a thoughtful and powerful Batman transforming into a super-hero. He does so with the help, assistance and counsel of Ra’s Al-Ghul (Liam Neeson) the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader. Liam Neeson does the role of "Mentor" better than anyone and in this performance he delivers in fine style. I also want to make mention of Morgan Freeman’s excellent portrayal of Bruce Wayne’s scientific business friend Lucius Fox. as Mr Freeman did a marvelous job as well. They had friendship chemistry on the silver screen which gave me a good feeling to watch. Additionally, Michael Caine is the most memorable Alfred of any of the previous Batman films. I felt the chemistry and friendship their as well. :D

I just love the look of Batman Begins, on HD-DVD, the cinematography is astounding and varied. The locations and photographic look of this film inspire the imagination as any great Sci-Fi fantasy should, especially now that we can own this great film on HD-DVD format. :D

I think this film on HD-DVD is the high-water mark for all HD-DVD’s to aspire to, at this point in time at any rate. The transfer to HD-DVD is stunningly beautiful. The razor sharp details colors and imaging on my Pioneer Plasma screen was soooo dazzlingly clear, I was simply blown-way by this HD-DVD picture quality. The video quality was so marvelously awe inspiring, as well as the audio Dolby TrueHD 5.1 and Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 sound quality. My Logans were all working on over-time with this fast paced action adventure film. The sound dynamic were off the scale. For the first time ever, I wished I had two Descent subwoofers on each side of my small room, just to drive home the bass dynamic even further… :D Now that is saying something for me anyway… The audio is heads and tail above anything available or I have experienced on regular DVD. I thought the HDi menu options and special features were simply fantastic. I loved them all.

As a result of other members here on this forum, like Joe, Scott and other pioneers of the HD-DVD technologies, I just want to say a BIG ~ Thank you! As I am now an HD-DVD convert! I am hooked and it feels great! I now long for the day when I become a 1080p viewer. Front Projection here (or hear) I come…

I guess by now you can just tell, I highly recommend this HD-DVD film. Add it to you new HD-DVD library that is whenever you begin collecting HD-DVD’s. I highly recommend HD-DVD as well.

:D HT relaxed comfortably surrounded in ML bliss, until next time let the music turn you on…


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Robin I totally agree with you, Batman Begins on HD DVD is simply amazing! Besides this being the best Batman film of the series, the PQ and the TrueHD sound on this HD DVD is awesome! Definitely a reference disc.

I havent seen it in HD, but Batman Begins is one of my all-time favorites. Its right up there with Tombstone. I cant wait until 2008 for the next in the series, "The Dark Knight." Same lineup but Heath Ledger will be the Joker and Katie Holmes is not in this one (thats great in my opinion). Good luck Heath, Jack N. it going to be a hard act to follow.
This HD disc, using the True HD audio tracks is stunning in both video and audio realms.

If you have a good enough low-end reproduction, it will shake your home to its foundations. The infrasonics in this disc are astounding.

This will stress your system, guaranteed. Mine is over the top and it got quite the workout. This TrueHD soundtrack begs for a big center, good thing I have one ;)

Highly recommended!