Did you guys know that Blu-Ray movies are currently out selling HD DVD movies 3:1. Not bad for a format starting 3 months after the competition and having so much bad press in the beginning.
Curious .....Where did you find this figure?
Did you guys know that Blu-Ray movies are currently out selling HD DVD movies 3:1. Not bad for a format starting 3 months after the competition and having so much bad press in the beginning.
Curious .....Where did you find this figure?
Manufacturers are promising that by the time this year’s Christmas/holiday season rolls around, Blu-ray players will be under $500 – and could even be cheaper than that, as different manufacturers entice consumers to buy their latest models.
To date, Blu-ray discs are also outselling HD DVDs at almost three to one, with 80% of new PS3 owners reportedly also choosing to buy one or more Blu-ray movies to watch when they made the original purchase.
Tgun5,I don't really care which format wins. I got too emotionally involved in the Beta/VHS wars and was on the losing side in that battle. The real winner will be the format that controls the software.
All of the studios have not committed to one or the other format and even those that have may eventually capitulate.
The only thing for sure is that this fight is far from over.
HopelessDFilms,Great tip on the DVD price matching. And you also get the rewards points.
Robin - Just got back from my dealer today and I bought the HB100. Just wondering - did you try the component instaed of the HDMI? It did look better in the store as the salesman told me previously.