Zero autoformers with tube amps and ML speakers
I use Paul Speltz Zero Autoformers. I think that is what you are talking about.
While I don't have atma-sphere OTL amp (any more), for the moment I drive my ML Sequel 2 speakers with a 20W EL84 amp by Promitheus Audio, with massive c-core output transformers. A really nice sounding amp, but as I said, only about 20W output. The Sequel 2 impedance wanders all over the place, from 3.5 ohms at 20Hz, up to 10 ohms at 40Hz, down to 3.5 ohms at 50Hz, up to 8 ohms at 200Hz, down to 3 ohms at 500Hz, up to 13 ohms at 1200Hz, down to 4 ohms at 5000Hz, and then lower after that. I got this info from an impedance chart that a ML tech sent to me.
To help my tube amp be happier with the load I am using Paul Speltz Zero Autoformers, one on each speaker, which allows the 3-13 ohm speakers appear to be 6-26 ohm speakers (autoformer wired for X2), doubling the dampening factor. I can set it up for X2, X3, X4, and other multiples in between.
I have a TVC (transformer volume control) passive preamp, so max zero gain there, but still with almost all sources (CDs), their record level is plenty high to drive the tube amp, and the MLs to too-loud. Of course, 100W tube amps are in the future, but for now, this works well for me.
Check out the Zero Autoformers for use with tube amps and ML. Works for me.
I spoke to Ralph in the past, maybe a bit over two years ago, concerning a pair if MA1 MK2's for sale in my area. He suggested that although the amplifiers would be a good match for my reQuests, their nominal impedance was a bit on the low side to keep an OTL amp happy. The solution was a pair of "Zero" matching transformers (or autoformer as often called) which would raise the speakers impedance for best performance. Odd that you would need a to purchase transformers for use with an output transformer LESS amp, but thats how the conversation went. Do a goog on zero autoformers to dig up more info.