Well-known member
I've seen Cary's at Munich and Silverstone but never heard them. Really annoying.
Just go to RMAF Joey and have a good listen around. Show conditions won't be ideal but you'll learn more in a day than you do at any dealer.
Just because kit is current also doesn't mean it is any better than older stuff. General consensus at Munich was some horns from the 1920s made the best system there.
211s run hot so room ventilation is a factor during hot months. I'd wager the Cary's will sound killer with the right speakers, whatever they may be.
Good advice from all above.
I reckon Tidal make very good dynamic speakers. Try and hear some. Better than B&W to my ears by a good long stretch,
Yes they do. I would put their large speakers up against anyone else's. Outstanding speakers.
You need to be choosing your speakers before you settle on an amplifier to drive them.
Totally agree, though between the two choices presented I would go with the 211FEs with just about any speaker larger than bookshelfs.