Levesque said:Anthem were the FIRST manufacturer to put a pre/pro with HDMI switching and a Gennum scaler on the market. It didn't took them a long time to upgrade the D1... they were the first!Lexicon, Theta, IR, Parasound... Not a single one of them was ready for those new HD-DVD players... except Anthem.
What does Anthem pay you to put this nonsense everywhere?
How exactly is the Anthem Pre-Pro ready for HD-DVD or Blu-Ray over the competition? Wait, they AREN'T. The D2 in no way shape or form deals with the new high end audio in any way better than their competition. As a Video Processor it has its competition too.
If you mean upgrade via a software upgrade, no the D1 wasn't slow, it had an upgrade available within weeks of it being released. The D1 is REPLACABLE with a D2 for a COST.
Why you are defending the D2 for its ability to outdue a VP30 for HD stuff is beyond me. For the most part DVDO makes processors to make the most out of DVDs and does an exceptional job. It is definately on par with the D2 with SD product. That is what the majority of people will use it for.
Lumagen has an extremely affordable HDQ offering with the Realta chip... $1999 I think.
Calibre has the top of the line unit the Vantage HD.
Bottom line Anthem just released a product with a great video scaler in it with about to be obsolete HDMI inputs.
Before Christmas the competition will have out HDMI 1.3 systems with in-processor processing of the new high end audio standards. Anthem has a D3 planned, but what does that mean for the D2?
Another replacement?
That isn't an upgrade. An upgrade is Theta sending me a card and within 24 hours I have it all working. No sending my unit in, waiting on a replacement.
I won't even mention how a great Blu-Ray player connected to a TRUE 1080p projector might not even need a video processor. However you don't want to hear that do you?