Anthem were the FIRST manufacturer to put a pre/pro with HDMI switching and a Gennum scaler on the market. It didn't took them a long time to upgrade the D1... they were the first!
Lexicon, Theta, IR, Parasound... Not a single one of them was ready for those new HD-DVD players... except Anthem.
The Gennum VXP chip can do true inverse telecine of a 1080i signal, and the DVDO VP30 can't. It's doing "Bob" and loosing vertivcal resolution with interpolations.
I have seen both side by side, paired with a Sony Ruby and a Toshiba HD-DVD player, and at 1080p, there was no contest. The VP30 is far behind.
There is only Gennum, Realta and NSC that are able to perform inverse telecine (film mode) AND per-pixel motion adaptative de-interlacing (video mode) with 1080i signals. The VP30 is using the SIl504 chip, and it's not able to do that.
I'm sorry, but people that think that the VP30 is on the same level with the Gennum scaler in the D2 are totally wrong. You have to see it to believe it. The VP30 cost more then the upgrade of the D1, and gives you alot less. I've seen both. Just ask Kris Deering at Secrets. He will confirm.
Theta and Lexicon will have HDMI switching only, w/o any scaling or processing. Pretty lame IMHO for 2X the price of the D2. To have the same video processing power, you have to buy a Crystalio II for 4500$, or an Algolith Dragonfly, or a Vantage HD, and pair it with a Theta or Lexicon, and you now are at 3X the price of the D2...
We can talk all day about this, but Anthem just caught all the other pre/pro manufacturers with their pants down. You can say everything you want, but it's the ONLY pre/pro on the market able to work fully with the HD players with HDMI 1.1 for HD sound and inverse telecine to threat 1080i.
So now all the other manufacturers are simply reacting the best they can, by annoncing your run-of-the-mill HDMI switcher w/o any processing, just like the 149$ HDMI switcher that you can buy from Monoprice.
The D2 is a mini-revolution. For example, the next Denon flagship this fall will use the Realta HQV chip to do exactly what the D2 is already doing with HD players. So for once, one of the major receivers manufacturer will play catch-up with Anthem. Just like all the other will do.
Like Kris Deering said, the D2 is one of the top 2 scalers on the market right now! And it's a pre/pro! Yes the Crystalio II will have more "features", but for 4500$!
BTW, Anthem were the FIRST to come out with a pre/pro with HDMI switching and processing. The D1 is not even 2 years old, and we now have a D2 (plainly a D1 with a new video board). They just did it in 2 years. The Algolith Dragonfly and Crystalio II were showed more then 2 years ago and they are just coming out. Anthem was faster then those dedicated scaler manufacturers!
Anthem will just do it again with HDMI 1.3, and a new room-eq softawre, and a new video chip if need be in 1 or 2 years, with a simple board swap. Why not? They just did it with the D1 and D2. They will do it again.
You don't beleive it? The Anthem AV20 is on the market since 7 years and still good to go for another 2-3 years! Regular hardware and firmware upgrades did the trick. No false promises.
I'm sure a Theta dealer won't agree, particulalrly with the bigger margins on the Theata gear...
I have the money to buy both, but the D2 is here now, and working now with my HD player. So the choice is easy to make. I want to use cutting edge technology now, not (maybe) in 6-8 months. I have HD-DVDs playing now, and I will receive a Blu-Ray player by the end of the month.
I have a true 1080p projector and a dedicated, measured and treated room, and a true HD player and satellite HD now. So the D2 is here and working right now for me. Picture quality and sound quality is unbelievable. True 1080p and DD+ today.