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Krell S 1200 Surround Processor - Opinions please???
I am lurking around for a new processor. I am on the waiting list for the new (very cheap) emotiva UMC-1 processor that was supposed to be out a year ago already, but I am sort of losing faith in this product and am quite frankly sick of waiting and waiting...
Did some searching today and ran across a few good deals on the Krell S1000 processor. It seems to do all of the current codecs for HT use, has HDMI, but it lacks HDMI 1.3. I think that this one is pretty much the main difference to the newer S1200. I have never heard Krell processors with ML speakers - do they have a certain musical characteristic on the sound? Currently using my old Theta Casa Nova (that I am getting ready to sell).
My question is: how important is HDMI 1.3? I am using a Blu ray Sony HDP 500, and Sony 1080p (VW50) projector, with Sunfire amps, SL3's, Theater i, 2 fathoms, etc... treated room
I do watch a lot of movies (3-4 a week) and listen to lots of music.
What do you guys think? The Emotiva is only going to be $699, the Krell used is 5 times that at least...
any opinions from my fellow audiophiles ?
thanks gordon
update: I found out the S 1200 does the high rez codecs like Dolby True HD and DTS Master audio and the 1000 does not. Also the 1000 does not have a video transcoder, but teh S1200 does.
I do not want to buy an obsolete unit, as I am currently already using one of those (Theta Casa Nova, which was "supposed to be" 100% future proof - yeah, right!)
Anyone using the S1200 with their ML gear?
Did some searching today and ran across a few good deals on the Krell S1000 processor. It seems to do all of the current codecs for HT use, has HDMI, but it lacks HDMI 1.3. I think that this one is pretty much the main difference to the newer S1200. I have never heard Krell processors with ML speakers - do they have a certain musical characteristic on the sound? Currently using my old Theta Casa Nova (that I am getting ready to sell).
My question is: how important is HDMI 1.3? I am using a Blu ray Sony HDP 500, and Sony 1080p (VW50) projector, with Sunfire amps, SL3's, Theater i, 2 fathoms, etc... treated room
I do watch a lot of movies (3-4 a week) and listen to lots of music.
What do you guys think? The Emotiva is only going to be $699, the Krell used is 5 times that at least...
any opinions from my fellow audiophiles ?
thanks gordon
update: I found out the S 1200 does the high rez codecs like Dolby True HD and DTS Master audio and the 1000 does not. Also the 1000 does not have a video transcoder, but teh S1200 does.
I do not want to buy an obsolete unit, as I am currently already using one of those (Theta Casa Nova, which was "supposed to be" 100% future proof - yeah, right!)
Anyone using the S1200 with their ML gear?
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