The Kronzilla's weren't playing but I did get to talk with Ms Kron and was happy to learn that KR Audio is producing an 845 tube.
For those interested: art work behind the gear are sound absorbing panels. An excellent example of the growing trend of making room acoustic treatment look more like it belongs in a living space rather than a recording studio.
For those interested:
Beautiful stuff and a nice variety of artwork.
LOVE THIS STUFF!!! However $1200.00 - $2000.00 a pop I gotta think of a better option...
The amazing MBL 101E and associated MBL equipment. This is one of my dream systems so it was a privilege to see and hear this setup in person. I first saw these speakers at audio boutique in Thailand last year. The boutique was in a mall of all places and that was quite a refreshing change to find such a store in a mall rather than the usual Bose franchise.
That made me smile...
Possibly force of habit? Or maybe the bass ports... which won't be omni. But bass isn't supposed to be that directional. Mind you I don't know the crossover freq and I can't be $!&£ to look it up.
Great speakers pre the CLX I reckon. Still great, but just too expensive compared to the CLX. And IMHO, they just aren't as good. But the omni aspect is brilliant and it's just great to walk around when they are playing and hear just how omni they really are!