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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. asindc

    GIK Acoustics Art panels

    Good find. I might actually start treating my man cave now!
  2. asindc

    Oppo BDP-83

    I think this is a smart move by Oppo. They probably saw how many companies were offering mods of their players, so they decided to capitalize on it themselves. I will be interested to see if any publications review the SE as a high-end 2-ch audio player.
  3. asindc

    Cary fans, advice on CD player/preamp options...

    Dan, Thanks for the comments. After hearing your modded Sony several times now, I understand why you are an ardent proponent of modded CD players. Just to clarify, however, the Cary 306SACD goes for $2,500-$3,000 on A'gon, while the Cary 306SACD Pro goes for $3,600-$4,200. The 306SACD...
  4. asindc

    What a pitching performance !!!!!!!!

    Not quite, Dave. Hardcore and loyal White Sox fan here!
  5. asindc

    Cary fans, advice on CD player/preamp options...

    Timm, Thanks for the comments. I have heard the Ayre, but not in my system. I prefer the more dynamic (IMO) sound of the Carys. I haven't heard the Esoterics and I am interested in the new SA-50 since it has digital inputs. Yes, in my hybrid 2-channel/HT setup, cinema bypass is a must. I...
  6. asindc

    Cary fans, advice on CD player/preamp options...

    My system is as follows: Cary 306/200 CD player-----Nordost Heimdall XLR ICs-----Cary SLP-2002 preamp (Mundorf cap upgrade and NOS tubes)-----Nordost Heimdall XLR ICs-----Parasound JC1 monoblocks-----Nordost Heimdall SCs-----ML Vantages. I'm considering the following: 1) Replacing my...
  7. asindc

    Help! - Summits versus Ascent/Descent

    I know you asked about Summits w/o an amp, but I made a similar move from Ascent-i with a Depth to Vantages without a sub. I actually have a Velodyne DD-12 sub, but I only run with HT, not 2-channel. In my 11.5 x 19 x 8 room, the Vantages produce plenty of bass, and I play some bass-heavy...
  8. asindc

    Mss hifi

    I suspected such as well. I should know better than to feed the trolls.
  9. asindc

    Mss hifi

    I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree with the bolded part of your statement. I actually value user opinions more than professional reviews and marketing information, since the user opinions represent real-life experiences with a product. If there is a significant number of consistently...
  10. asindc

    Nordest Heimdell Speaker Cable

    I'm sorry to hear that. I have had the opposite results, which is to say I'm very pleased with my Heimdall ICs and SCs. My experience has been similar to what the reviewers have been saying. Maybe it is a system synergy issue in your case. At any rate, these are very popular cables so you...
  11. asindc

    Hunk o' granite

    Timm, I am currently using two granite slabs under my two cheap temp racks until I get real racks. I glued MDF to the bottom of the slabs after drilling holes in the MDF so that I could screw in the stock spikes from my Vantages. I glued the MDF to the slabs using gorilla glue. The stands...
  12. asindc

    Emotiva Amplifiers

    I have the XPA-3 and I am very pleased with it. I use it to drive my ML Theater and the surround channels. It provides plenty of slam and the voices from the center channel are rendered with clarity and precision. In my opinion, Emotiva amps are one of the best-kept secrets in audio and HT...
  13. asindc

    McIntosh MCD 500 OR Esoteric X-03 SE?

    Have you checked the USA-version of the Esoteric website? They just released the Esoteric SA-50 SACD/CD player with three digital inputs, including USB: Six Moons did a review of it here:
  14. asindc

    Nordost Heimdell

    I just recently upgraded to Heimdalls and I love them! Really opened up my soundstage and lifted a veil! You know, the usual you hear about re-discovering your music collection. I had Nordost Blue Heavens throughout my system until earlier this year. Then I tried Baldurs between my CD and...
  15. asindc

    Logan day @ Overture getting closer !!

    Any more word on this?
  16. asindc

    Cary SLP-5 vs Audio Research LS26 Pre Amp

    Having heard both, but only the SLP-05 in my system, I agree with Dave. The Cary is the warmer of the two. Having heard many of the Cary and ARC preamps, those characteristics seem to consistent throughout the respective product lines.
  17. asindc Stop..Look and Listen !

    Man, that is so tragic. I really feel for the families of those kids.
  18. asindc

    Michael Vick...reinstate ??????

    I truly understand your outrage, but do you suggest that he not be allowed to work at all?
  19. asindc

    Subwoofer Cable???

    I use Wireworld Equinox for my sub with great results. I haven't tried the Monster sub cable that you refer to, but I do know the bass notes are cleaner with the Wireworld cable than any other I have used (Audioquest, cheap Monster).
  20. asindc

    Cinema/Descent i or Stage/Depth

    Don't take the deal. Wait until your budget allows you to buy the Descent by itself. If you like what you are getting from the Depth now, the Cinema/Descent would be an overall downgrade from the Stage/Depth, IMO. You will miss the Stage.