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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. socialxray

    Sonos ZP80?

    Please remember that with Sonos you will need 2 ZP80/100's since one must be hardwired to your computer. Unless of course you have your computer in the same room as your stereo which would make a Sonos system unecessary.
  2. socialxray

    I'm Hooked on HD DVD

    I hate to be a Sony basher but it has been so easy lately. I am hoping for HD-DVD to win out since Toshiba is willing to pay the licensing fees to get the latest codecs (mpeg4 and vc1). Sony is sticking with mpeg2 which is inferior to mpeg4 and vc1. Also mpeg2 does not compress as well as the...
  3. socialxray

    Downloadable Films... How Will This technology Impact The Future of HT?

    Technically it is not a virus. It is the DRM scheme and would work like the DRM we see for music where the content provider can control just about every aspect of playback if they choose to do so. Robin, I wouldn't make any rash moves yet. The technology is there but the usability and...
  4. socialxray

    General Questions about Martin Logan Speakers

    ML's do not arc nor are they an electrical hazard. They do not arc because of the coating on the stators. Also I have had many curious people walk up and touch my SL3s while music was playing full bore and nothing ever happened (sometimes to my dismay).
  5. socialxray

    Dedicated Martin Logan Room Questions ??

    You should go with the dedicated room. The ceiling height can be overcome. As for the living room and the social experience and all that, purchase some smaller Logans for that area. Clarities would probably do nicely.
  6. socialxray

    Squeezebox to do or not????

    I have 2 Squeezebox3s and I love them! I do not use my CD player anymore. It is just so convienent to have my entire library at my finger tips without searching for CDs. I actually listen to a more music and with more variety because I do not have to find CDs anymore. Oh, and it sounds great...
  7. socialxray

    Are These Speakers Even Legal... Is The A Lawyer In The House???

    Is that Apologue or, more appropriately, Apology?
  8. socialxray

    Laser Rot

    Never heard of it. How can a laser that only reflects light off of an aluminum disc cause the disc to go bad?
  9. socialxray

    Dead can Dance - Spiritchaser

    Dead Can Dance fan here! Toward the Within just kills on MLs!
  10. socialxray

    1 way ticket to Audio Nirvana, the saga of Joey's upgrades!

    I don't know what the facination is with the pics but please keep them coming!
  11. socialxray

    Cedia HT Winners

    Stupid SICK!!! I almost vomited but mostly drooled.
  12. socialxray

    Why I Love MY SL3s

    My SL3s changed my whole perspective on audio. I have always been an audio enthusiast but I was firmly grounded in mib-fi with the thinking that the last percent of performance was not that much different and certainly not worth it from a cost point of view. While I was very satisfied with...
  13. socialxray

    HT opinions Digital COAX vs analog Ext. 5/7.1

    Maybe the rears are setup differently between the digital and analog settings. It could be that the levels are different for each setting.
  14. socialxray

    New Slimdevices product - Transporter

    Forget formats (although open source formats are usually much more universal. ie. everything supports MP3.) In the USA we used to enjoy the right to Fair Use. This meant that as long as we paid for the content we could convert it into whatever format we liked. ie. ripping a CD to a computer...
  15. socialxray

    New Slimdevices product - Transporter

    I've had a Squeezebox3 since Christmas. I've ditched CDs altogether and listen via my Squeezebox3. To my ears it sounds AWESOME. It does require a like geekyness to figure it all out; from downloading the slim server to ripping CDs but it was worth it. And believe me managing your music is...
  16. socialxray

    HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray

    Just to add fuel to the fire here. After some research brought about by this very thread, I will say that from a consumer standpoint it may be better if Sony lost this format war. After first defending Sony over the root kit fiasco I have never really trusted this company even since then and...
  17. socialxray

    HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray

    Whoa tsd, calm down fanboy. Yes there is a $500 RCA player. That is where fact ends and speculation begins. If anyone has bought into anybody's media machine it is you. In my opinion neither format is acceptable for commercial consumption yet. Blu-Ray looks better on paper but it has to...
  18. socialxray

    HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray

    I find it funny how the HD-DVD spin is getting trumped up and Blu-Ray is considered dead even though it has launched less than a month ago. Some of the information is questionable and some of it is outright wrong. Most of it is just opinion. All PS3s will be able to play blu-ray movies out of...