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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. W

    The new CLX is HERE - Exclusive Photos!!

    I will be keeing my CLSZ2':eek:
  2. W

    ReQuest vs Ascent

    I have heard both at the same demo and prefer the Request...I prefer the lower crossover...I did not like voices coming from floor level.
  3. W

    What if ML released a new high-end (non CLX) speaker?

    would like to see an updated Monoilith type speaker...panel going down to 125-150 hz range...only failing I could find/hear when auditioning the Summits.
  4. W

    CLS owners question

    problem the older Kinergenics towers that sort of created a Mini Statement system: any object placed in close proximity to the CLS panels effects their sound loose placement/soundstage width and hall depth and introduce phase issues/problems which are more nefarious...
  5. W

    CLS owners question

    ...I agree...the CLS is best IMHO when with the minimal amount of electronics between source-speaker....general in room response is good to about the CLS fullrange, put a sub in at 40hz with a 24db crossover, get the phase set right,:music:
  6. W

    Sunfire Symphonic Reference vs Carver m-4.0t

    I am also a big Carver fan...I have had a Phase Linear 400, M1.5t, PM1.5, and a Sunfire Sign. Architects II. I had SL3's which sounded best with the PM1.5! ... though the fan was annoying for some reason this pairing just worked. The Sunfire Sign. was wonderful with my CLSz2 but ultimately...
  7. W

    McIntosh MC275 CLS and Krell

    Let's leave cable Voodoo out of this thread...the original thread was about a Krell product being replaced with a tube product with a less than desired sonic outcome. I have had the CLSz2 for about 6 years and prior to that SL3 and have tried with the help of friends many different amps ; SS...
  8. W

    Monster Powered Amps

    see page 1 Sunfire Signature Architects II.... great amp:rocker:
  9. W

    Monster Powered Amps

    Bryston 14BSST and previously Sunfire Signature II....running CLSZ2...I find the Bryston as completely neutral in presentation. I could not tell it versus a Halcro double blinded! The Sunfire is the one of the best non tube amps that is designed to sound like a tube amp IMHO...similar to the...
  10. W

    Summit... What's coming next ?

    on my wish list would be a Monolith replacement...sort of the super Summit but smaller than than my CLS2Z or older Monoliths. I would like to see a lower crossover point between woofer and panel eg: 150-170 hz...using the best newer electronic crossover technology:music:
  11. W

    Magnepan 1.6

    just as an asside for the Maggie 1.4.....wire up a Founetk noe3 at about 15k hz with a standard 18db electrical crossover with resistors to match the level of the main panel.....big improvement.
  12. W

    Magnepan 1.6

    spot on!...have heard all under good circumstances/rooms...still have the CLSZ2:music:
  13. W

    Quest amplifier recommendations please!

    ditto to the Sunfire....had one before my Bryston...used it with my CLSZ2's....has a tube like/magical midrange.
  14. W

    Pro amps

    before I purchased a Bryston I was using a Carver PM 1.5 ....quite good sound/ stable as a rock.. but mine was not the typical road warrior...only caveat is the fan is loud if not mounted in a cabinet
  15. W

    ML SL3s for my Mac amp

    I used to have the SL3...they like MACs...midbass hole is less of a problem with this hybrid as the woofer handles frequencies up to 250 hz....the hybridization is not as seemless as the newer designs but because of the narrow panels they still put out some of the better/less phasey treble of...
  16. W

    bryston and martin logan

    I got to try out the 14bsst before purchase and I was concerned about this but when you view the impedence curve of the CLS the extreme low is way up there at 20K where not much is happening ie so far no problems heard/felt.
  17. W

    Monolith refresh - Panels, woofers and rail stain updates

    speaking of a nice sub...strap the ACI SV-12's face to face in a 2 cu. ft. cabinet isobaric downfiring :music: ...cross it fast at 40 hz and place it in the corner...or you can sell them to me!
  18. W

    Advices for a sub to pair with my CL's

    I presently use a very old ACI Saturn which is a slightly larger version of their SUB-1...neither of which is made uses an SV-12 woofer...still made... see also Meniscus Audio SW-1284. If you have someone who can build a cabinet this turns out to be a great match IMHO. I actually used...
  19. W

    bryston and martin logan

    I use a 14bsst via a passive Adcom gfp-750 to my CLSZ it :music: