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  1. jjqiv

    Upgrading to summits?

    Yes, the Six Pac's really do sound like a powerhouse of an amp unless you really push them to stupid levels. They've got muscle, body, and finese. Hey, but stupidly loud can be fun. Its a trade-off. I usally save cranking the punk/punk rap kind of stuff for the car.
  2. jjqiv

    Upgrading to summits?

    Not not a tubes vs. SS debate per se. I have not heard the top Krell stuff in a few years. If they are continuing with the house sound, to my ears, Krell offers a dry, agressive, etched, leading edge, in you face type of presentation. They can give you an initial wow, but it becomes fatiquing...
  3. jjqiv

    Upgrading to summits?

    Rather than the "biggest" and "baddest", I would go for the one that's "sized just right" and sounds the "best" (i.e., the most musical). Unless appearances are more important than the sound. You don't need a monster to drive a Summit. I've heard Krell most musical amp was a Class A 50 watter...
  4. jjqiv

    Upgrading to summits?

    Have to agree with you that AR Tube amps fall into SS end of sound camp. They do not have the typical tube characteristics. I don't care for them. I would not recomment them. However, I would recommend the AR pre-amps.... I stick by my assessment. If you generaly like the sound of tube amps...
  5. jjqiv

    Upgrading to summits?

    If you are fond of tube amps, it is unlikely you will be fond of the Krell sound. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
  6. jjqiv

    Summits vs. X

    You think your right to smoke proceeds my right not to smoke? Ha! Not here! The smoking laws are designed to protetct us from each other. No one is telling you can't smoke in private.
  7. jjqiv

    Pre-built arrays

    Here another:
  8. jjqiv

    Summits vs. X

    We bought our house from smokers. The oily, brownish-yellow layer of crap we had to scrub off the walls was disgusting. The curtains and carpets went in the dumpster. What make you think that wouldn't stick to the stators?
  9. jjqiv

    Summits vs. X

    That's your opinion only because you are smoker and are not violated by the stench and disease in public places. The pro non-smoker laws (i.e. not anti-smoker laws) are a god send. You can come home from an evening out with clear sinuses and clean smelling clothes. Its Europe that is backwards...
  10. jjqiv

    CLX vs Super Summit

    I have not found the image issues you mention with the CLS's. Could be the fact they were in the same room with the same equipment. Only on the very rare occasion have I noticed sounds sticking to the panels. Same went for the SL3's. When run full range, the bass on CLS's is more defined and...
  11. jjqiv

    Is it risky to buy an old martin logan?

    With proper placement, SL3's should work just fine in that room. I would go used and put more $'s into the equipment to drive them. When I had SL3's, I had them in room that size for a period of time. Your room is probable better. My room was closer to a square. SL3's lit-up with good equipment...
  12. jjqiv

    CLX vs Super Summit

    and can be purchased for 80 to 90 percent less.
  13. jjqiv

    Sound and Vision ESL review

    The "sound" component of Sound and Vision is not even worth a grain of salt.
  14. jjqiv

    "Sea Hunt"... "Flipper"... "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" ~ Underwater Listening..

    Robin, This is a little closer to home. I remember the Holiday In in Palo Alto had underwater music back in the mid seventies. They had the same music going above and below. I think the were a lot of echo's when submerged. It definitely was not high fidelity. I'm pretty sure the hotel is...
  15. jjqiv

    Connecting ML speakers to power conditioners

    I can remember Gilbert saying not to use his Music Ring's on ML speakers. However, it was not because of current limitations. Hey, we need to get Gilbert to post his pink CLS's on the new site! Miss his humor and insight as well! Gillbert, where are you!
  16. jjqiv

    Front Projector ~ "Preal" Is Amazing...

    Just did a quick search. I found a Panasonic PT-AE1000U for $3,001
  17. jjqiv

    MS Vista & High-End Audio

    Of course a Tube Mac is better than a SS PS Audio amp.;)
  18. jjqiv

    Front Projector ~ "Preal" Is Amazing...

    I bet a 1080P front projector will be sub 2k in no time. My friend just bought a 65" Mitsubishi 1080P rear projection TV for $2.5K out the door.
  19. jjqiv

    400 watts to a 200 watt speaker?

    With the panels, its not really a question of watts, it a question of current. If the ML-2 has enough current, I bet it will sound better. Just theory. My 50 watt AES Six Pacs can make my CLS's sing much better than my 200 watt per channel Aragon 8008X5's which is spec'ed to double down.
  20. jjqiv

    400 watts to a 200 watt speaker?

    But the ML-3 in the large room would most likely not sound as nice as the ML-2 in the smaller room.